I am having issues with my New York Fahgedaboudit Mini U-lock. Sometimes the key does not turn all the way and sometimes I cannot open the lock, even with the key turned all the way. I have to pull and jiggle the shackle until the U portion comes free, sometimes exerting great mounts of force to pry it off! I have also noticed a bit of fine rust-colored debris on the inside of the lock and on the U portion. It's only around two years old. Anyone else ever have this issue?

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No ownership of any lubricants but I am the sort who feels oiling a chain regularly, and properly, is an important part of it's longevity.  I have the habit of cleaning my chain, oiling it and then wiping the exterior if it as well as possible about once a week or any time it gets loud.  I find that about a week or so and the chain looks gunky and dry.  I could probably get by with a greater interval but I like to have my chain clean and with as little excess lube on it as possible; I believe that dirt picked up by and ground into the chain is the greatest wear factor that I can control.

Duppie said:

Do you work for a or own shares in a lube manufacturer?

I lube my chains a few times in the non-winter months and more often in the winter months, but not nearly as often as you suggest. Rarely have a problem with noise. As far as the wear and tear goes, most chains last numerous thousands of miles before they wear out. The only one that wears out quicker is the one on my winter bike, since it catches a lot of dirt, salt and whatnot.

notoriousDUG said:

You ride a bike and you do not have chain lube?

Oiling your chain once a week, or more in wet conditions, will do wonders when it comes to extending it's life and keeping it quiet.

Adam Herstein said:

Thanks for the advice! I'm going to pick up some chain lube on my way home today.

Chain lube worked like a charm! I'm planning on buying some Lock Ease and cleaning out the inside of my lock soon though. Thanks everyone!

I was having major issues with a mini On-Guard Bulldog that I bought used at REI for 8 bucks.  Yesterday I put some ProGold Prolink lube in the keyhole and lock shafts, as well as a few sprays of WD40 and let it sit outside a couple hours.  Works like a charm now.    


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