Looking to sell this vintage women's Sears cruiser.  I fixed her up, polished her off, she's looking pretty good and riding great. It has built in headlights as well that run on batteries and come on with the flick of a switch.  I haven't taken the measurements on it but I will tomorrow and if you're interested I will let you know.  I need to sell it for a bike trip I am leaving for Thursday and would like it bought by then.  It is a fun, comfortable, and rare bike to tool around the neighborhood on.  Let me know!



EDIT: I added a picture of it after I fixed it up so you can see the before and after photos.  It looks 10 times better.

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Looks nice.  (But not what I'm looking for right now.)

A friendly tip for you or the new owner, go to your local hardware or auto-parts store and buy some "naval jelly" for that chrome.  It will dissolve the rust away and leave the handlebars and fenders looking super shiny again.  (I don't recommend using it on painted surfaces.)

Good luck finding it a new home.

I actually used the cocacola and steel wool method and the chrome looks new.  I waxed it down to give it an extra shine,  Some of the rust on handlebars was pitted so it's chipped a bit but it shines everwhere else.

mindfrieze said:

Looks nice.  (But not what I'm looking for right now.)

A friendly tip for you or the new owner, go to your local hardware or auto-parts store and buy some "naval jelly" for that chrome.  It will dissolve the rust away and leave the handlebars and fenders looking super shiny again.  (I don't recommend using it on painted surfaces.)

Good luck finding it a new home.


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