Edit: Thanks to Peenologist for the Worst Thread Ever crown.

Edit edit: D'oh! he said Worst Possible Thread, not Worst Thread Ever.

7/17: "was Fight with Gabe" removed from subject line for the sake of beauty, privacy, and security.  Representative images added (too bad threads can't have their own custom avatars):



Picked up on OPCC listserv per Bill W; presumably posted today.

I don't know why Active Trans didn't put a warning out about the previous incident mentioned here.


Authored by Tom McGee and posted on the Oak Park Cycle Club facebook page.  :
LAKE STREET WARNING: With the warm weather, and newly added bike lanes on Lake Street, there have been more bike commuters heading into the city...unfortunately, there are some rough neighborhoods people need to cycle through and area street punks see the increase in riders as well.

On my way home from the city to Oak Park last night I was jumped by 2 male teens in an attempt to steal my bike. This occured at Lake & Lavergne. One guy was on the sidewalk, the other hidden behind an L pillar. As I was approaching, I sensed it was bad, but it was too late to react. They came at me from the left and right and pushed me off the bike. I was clipped in and went head first over the handlebars, landing on the right side of my face and shoulder. They did not go for anything but the bike, so when I realized that, I wrestled with them and kept my bike. A motorist stopped to help me, and seeing this they ran.

A number of good samaritans stopped to help me, called 911, and paramedics were on the scene within 10 minutes to get me to the ER. I'm stitched and bumped and bruised, but it could have been a lot worse.

I strongly suggest that riders get the word out to friends who commute, try to ride w/others (there are a number of group rides to/from the loop from what I've heard), and try not to ride too early or too late when other people may not be around to help. 

I've already spoken with John Lankford, Bikeways Campaign Coordinator w/Active Transporation Alliance. He said there was a similar incident on Lake the morning of Bike The Drive. So they are aware of the problem, and will be approaching people @ CDOT and the city to try and address it.

Ride safe,
Tom McGee


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et tu?

Time for popcorn.

Craig S. said:

Give it a rest, James.  Do you always need to comment on every freaking thread of this forum?

You directed your earlier comment directly at Gabe; it's quite obviously an ad homenim  and it's even more rich that you cry "Foul, oh horrid foul!" when you're so good at leveling ad homenims at anyone who's ever disagreed with you.  You may have not had any of your words by the mods deleted but I do know you've had more than your fair share of complaints leveled against you, especially when you were James Baum.  

I've got nothing to do this morning, I'll enjoy watching this internet dust up, just let me make more coffee.  

I've got coffee in hand. Let's do this.

I fuckin love you Craig :)

Should we commission a soundtrack?  Is John Williams available?

Something darker and more evocative like Philip Glass, I think ;^O


Trent Resnor then?   

For that matter we could just use Ghosts as he so graciously let it go into the public domain.  And why not? -This American Life and many other NPR/PRI shows use the crap out him.

Me?  I'm just waiting on you, James, as you're never at a loss for words, on any topic.  Well, this reply of was an exception.

I've met you, introduced myself to you in fact.  I told you I agree with very little, if anything of what you state in the numerous times you felt compelled to offer up your concise social commentary on all things in life.  I also told you I find you well written and entertaining and many times informative.

Your contribution to this thread has been anything but.

You blatantly attacked Gabe, try to cover yourself by blaming the victim, and then you bitch and whine and cry wolf and feel the need to justify yourself to the "bike community" (whatever the fuck that is) when you feel you're attacked.  If you'd not opened your pie hole, again, in the first place you wouldn't have been called out. But, everyone's entitled to express their opinion.

So, I'm just waiting to read more of your bloviation and faux umbrage but I've moved onto morning cocktails, I can't be bothered with coffee.

James BlackHeron said:

et tu?

Time for popcorn.

Craig S. said:

Give it a rest, James.  Do you always need to comment on every freaking thread of this forum?

You directed your earlier comment directly at Gabe; it's quite obviously an ad homenim  and it's even more rich that you cry "Foul, oh horrid foul!" when you're so good at leveling ad homenims at anyone who's ever disagreed with you.  You may have not had any of your words by the mods deleted but I do know you've had more than your fair share of complaints leveled against you, especially when you were James Baum.  

I've got nothing to do this morning, I'll enjoy watching this internet dust up, just let me make more coffee.  

isn't the chainlink great ? where else can we curse each other out and then make up over beers and washing bikes ???  I love to swear as much as the next guy or gal; and I will tell anyone to F*&% off.


Here is my $.02 :


the city and many suburbs have very bad sections many of us must ride through


crime rates always rise with rising temps (yesterday was hotter than H. E. double hockey sticks to ride home in btw)


we must all be extra vigilant as we navigate these "sh*tholes"


what really sucks is that is 100% acceptable for a thug to be wcalking around with a baseball bat

(he can claim "I am going to play baseball at the park...") and the next minute it can become a

weapon against a cyclist or another innocent victim


let's be careful out there and look out for each other !!!

happy friday ;-)



p.s. kudos to everyone (esp. gabe) for calling a spade a spade


love it !!!!

Chris C said:

West Side Story.  A timeless classic that seems applicable on several levels.

This is fun! :)

When you're a Jet you are always a Jet from your first cigarette to your last dying breath!




See you all at CCM.

Howard, what were you attempting to accomplish with this thread? The location looks like a terrible place for an ambush but what do I know, I don't steal peoples bikes like a douche. http://goo.gl/maps/C8pA


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