Would anyone want to take in a small dog?  I found him last night.  He's been starved and abused, but hasn't barked once and doesn't bite.  Looks like a mix with some Jack Russell in him.  The owner rode his bike by and said he didn't want him because he ran away.  I'm sure he ran away for food or to escape being beaten.  I named him Rob Zombie because he is more human than the human he ran away from.  I would take him if my place allowed dogs.  Please help.  I'm going to pick him up at 6:30 from a girl's place who took him last night.  She'll be giving me a crate, new collar, leash, bag of food, and shampoo so whoever takes him will get all of that.  I think he needs a vet visit.  His legs, chest, and ears are very red.

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lil man made it over tonight. we have boiled chicken, rice and avocado topped with a lil cottage cheese for dinner. hit the dog park up, took a soak in the whirlpool now he's snorin' on the memory foam king mattress.


he's a sweatheart. i'd love to meet the guy that left him on the street. 


I think it is best for Zombie to stay with someone for a while. Jon agrees. Let's wait two weeks to a month and come back to the conversation of permanent residence. Of course within that time frame if you  Jon, feel like you want to keep him I would have zero problems with that.

does anyone know of any cheap child bike trailers for sale?

I was planning on purchasing this one myself sometime very soon, http://goo.gl/oYZcp .

yeahhh .. that's what i need. badass carriage 

You're welcome to stop by anytime. Yesterday he was a bit stand-offish and skiddy .. Today, he seems in much better spirit. We took a mile hike to the pet store and loaded up on some more goodies. I've decided to keep him on a strict diet of homemade food(chicken/beef, white rice, eggs/cottage cheese along with his medications from the vet and additional vitamin supplements i mix in with his meals) until his skin condition clears up. There's a possibility dog food has been contributing to his allergies and skin issues.

We'll take it a day at a time. He's really a great dog. Awesome personality, very nice and loving and seems quite intelligent. 

He's back to nap time after our walk to the pet store today.  


Looks like another chainlinker has donated an old bike trailer for us to use and cart him around. Some really cool people in this community. 

Jon - You can upload pictures directly in the text box using the second icon from the left, between link and the movie icon above the text box.

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jon said:

You're welcome to stop by anytime. Yesterday he was a bit stand-offish and skiddy .. Today, he seems in much better spirit. We took a mile hike to the pet store and loaded up on some more goodies. I've decided to keep him on a strict diet of homemade food(chicken/beef, white rice, eggs/cottage cheese along with his medications from the vet and additional vitamin supplements i mix in with his meals) until his skin condition clears up. There's a possibility dog food has been contributing to his allergies and skin issues.

We'll take it a day at a time. He's really a great dog. Awesome personality, very nice and loving and seems quite intelligent. 

He's back to nap time after our walk to the pet store today.  

I see some improvement with RZ already .. the color of his skin infections, which looked very raw and painful yesterday, have already toned down and don't stand out as much or look as bad. He has also become very playful, more energenic and seems quite a bit happier. We had ham instead of chicken tonight and a couple small bites of a choc. chip cookie(he needed some guilty pleasures). 

If I could just get him to stop peeing on our front condo walkway as soon as we walk out the door ...

Jon, John & Spencer, you're saints.

jon said:

I see some improvement with RZ already .. the color of his skin infections, which looked very raw and painful yesterday, have already toned down and don't stand out as much or look as bad. He has also become very playful, more energenic and seems quite a bit happier. We had ham instead of chicken tonight and a couple small bites of a choc. chip cookie(he needed some guilty pleasures). 

If I could just get him to stop peeing on our front condo walkway as soon as we walk out the door ...


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