I came across a Sun Times column by Carol Marin from last week about how she doored a bicyclist outside a Starbucks. Anyone know who it was? I hope they are OK. I put a post about it up on www.IllinoisBicycleLaw.com.

Ride Safe!

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It says right at the bottom of the post, ""


notoriousDUG said:

That post is not by Lawyer Jim.

I don't object, at all, to Mr Keating posting here (not that he should care), in fact if I had such an incident I might seek him out.

But   'Does anyone know who it was?  I hope he's okay.'  is strikingly disingenuous and rubs me the wrong way, esp in this supposed community of cyclists.   But YMMV and plainly for some it does. 

I've seen posts in the past by non-attorneys that mention seeing a crash or dooring and expressing the same sentiments of "Hope he/she is okay" "Does anyone know who it is", so I really don't see this one post in particular being disingenuous just because it was posted by someone in the legal profession.  I know many people don't like attorneys but they are regular people who ride bicycles and have families, friends and even feelings for others, so I do not believe everything a lawyer does is for getting more business. Also, I wouldn't have even known about this article if Mr. Keating hadn't posted it, so I am glad he shared it.  And if he does get some business from it, good for him!

I was not "trolling" for a client. Never have and never will. I was (and am) an active bicyclist long before I was ever a lawyer. Given Carol Marin's candor about the situation I presumed the bicyclist was OK. Given that she is a Chicago celebrity I was sincerely curious as to what the story was. Perhaps I phrased my post poorly, and perhaps the responding poster wasn't aware I've been on the Chainlink for years. Contrary to the admittedly cynical response, I was interested in how the bicyclist is doing and do hope they are OK.

If you look to the right of this post you'll see the Chicago Bicycle Flag as an ad here on the Chainlink. Perhaps you'll note the words "Keating Law Offices" at the top of the ad which has been on the Chainlink for months. My firm was one of the original advertisers on the Chainlink. You can feel free to ask Julie Hochstader about my commitment to Chicago's bicycling community, or the aforementioned Jim Freeman, or any number of people at Active Trans, or any number of the dozens of bicyclists I've helped in Chicago including many that other attorneys turned down.

If anyone has any other questions, feel free to email me at mkeating@keatinglegal.com.

Ride Safe.

good for Atty Keating. If I were a lawyer, I'd be doing the same thing. Some folks might not know, but a lot of attorneys do pro bono work for the sheer satisfaction of bringing a bit of justice to folks in this world who wouldn't otherwise afford it.

I love the patch and wear it proudly on one of my cycling shirts. I am asked all the time about it and point to the website on the bottom. I think it would make a cool Tattoo as well...if that's OK with you. Maybe even throw in the web address if the price is right ;)

Mike Keating said:

I was not "trolling" for a client. Never have and never will. I was (and am) an active bicyclist long before I was ever a lawyer. Given Carol Marin's candor about the situation I presumed the bicyclist was OK. Given that she is a Chicago celebrity I was sincerely curious as to what the story was. Perhaps I phrased my post poorly, and perhaps the responding poster wasn't aware I've been on the Chainlink for years. Contrary to the admittedly cynical response, I was interested in how the bicyclist is doing and do hope they are OK.

If you look to the right of this post you'll see the Chicago Bicycle Flag as an ad here on the Chainlink. Perhaps you'll note the words "Keating Law Offices" at the top of the ad which has been on the Chainlink for months. My firm was one of the original advertisers on the Chainlink. You can feel free to ask Julie Hochstader about my commitment to Chicago's bicycling community, or the aforementioned Jim Freeman, or any number of people at Active Trans, or any number of the dozens of bicyclists I've helped in Chicago including many that other attorneys turned down.

If anyone has any other questions, feel free to email me at mkeating@keatinglegal.com.

Ride Safe.

I wear the patch proudly as well, on my saddle bag.  Thank you Mr. Keating for fighting for bicyclists in  system that does its best not make it easy for us to fight for ourselves.  

S.Presley☠ said:

I love the patch and wear it proudly on one of my cycling shirts. I am asked all the time about it and point to the website on the bottom. I think it would make a cool Tattoo as well...if that's OK with you. Maybe even throw in the web address if the price is right ;)

I know of two people who have gotten the Chicago Bike Flag as a tattoo. I have no problem with people using it as a tattoo and am happy to provide a clean jpg to anyone that needs one to edit for size. I sincerely appreciate people asking for permission. If anyone wants a sticker or a patch just email me at mkeating@keatinglegal.com and I'll have some sent out to you. No charge - just wear the Chicago Bike Flag with pride.

Here's a pic of Chainlinker Jason Smajda's tattoo of the flag:

S.Presley☠ said:

I love the patch and wear it proudly on one of my cycling shirts. I am asked all the time about it and point to the website on the bottom. I think it would make a cool Tattoo as well...if that's OK with you. Maybe even throw in the web address if the price is right ;)

Mike Keating said:

I was not "trolling" for a client. Never have and never will. I was (and am) an active bicyclist long before I was ever a lawyer. Given Carol Marin's candor about the situation I presumed the bicyclist was OK. Given that she is a Chicago celebrity I was sincerely curious as to what the story was. Perhaps I phrased my post poorly, and perhaps the responding poster wasn't aware I've been on the Chainlink for years. Contrary to the admittedly cynical response, I was interested in how the bicyclist is doing and do hope they are OK.

If you look to the right of this post you'll see the Chicago Bicycle Flag as an ad here on the Chainlink. Perhaps you'll note the words "Keating Law Offices" at the top of the ad which has been on the Chainlink for months. My firm was one of the original advertisers on the Chainlink. You can feel free to ask Julie Hochstader about my commitment to Chicago's bicycling community, or the aforementioned Jim Freeman, or any number of people at Active Trans, or any number of the dozens of bicyclists I've helped in Chicago including many that other attorneys turned down.

If anyone has any other questions, feel free to email me at mkeating@keatinglegal.com.

Ride Safe.


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