You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the fella on the white Cannondale SE bound @ 8:45 AM that, despite the red light and steady flow of traffic on North Ave, decided to fly through the red parallel the N Ave traffic then cut south across N back to a SE Milwaukee run. Gave a few of us a collective gasp as you performed this douchy move.

Your trailor executed an even more hair raising manouver by barreling through N Ave, now stopped w a red, right into the flow of traffic on Damen Ave causing a few cars to hit there brakes.

Where was the fire?

Special side note to the girl in the purple tank top riding the siewalk along Noth Ave please don't get angry w me when I point out you should be on the road. It is not only the law it is quite dangerous.

Last night around 7 p.m. on Madison, you passed and honked at me because I guess you see cyclists as an inconvenience.  I was having a pleasant stroll on a gorgeous night, probably thinking about the IPA I was going to be drinking all night at my destination, and you had to go and ruin the moment with your rude and ignorant behavior.  Well, my wish was granted, and the light up ahead turned red.  

The shrieks of horror and look of genuine panic on your two trixie faces after I slammed my hand on your window (I'm surprised my hand or your window didn't break to be honest) and screamed at you with every obscenity I could come up with, is still providing me with belly laughs today.  Indeed, I have a big smile on my face right now, because I know you won't be honking at any cyclists EVER again, nor will you be causing any accidents or deaths because of it.  

Hope I see you around!



I'll see your asshole move and raise you my own asshole move. 

Zoetrope said:

Last night around 7 p.m. on Madison, you passed and honked at me because I guess you see cyclists as an inconvenience.  I was having a pleasant stroll on a gorgeous night, probably thinking about the IPA I was going to be drinking all night at my destination, and you had to go and ruin the moment with your rude and ignorant behavior.  Well, my wish was granted, and the light up ahead turned red.  

The shrieks of horror and look of genuine panic on your two trixie faces after I slammed my hand on your window (I'm surprised my hand or your window didn't break to be honest) and screamed at you with every obscenity I could come up with, is still providing me with belly laughs today.  Indeed, I have a big smile on my face right now, because I know you won't be honking at any cyclists EVER again, nor will you be causing any accidents or deaths because of it.  

Hope I see you around!



Wanna know why people honk at bikes and treat cyclists like shit?

Ignorant assholes like you who have to escalate something as harmless as honking a horn to physically violent actions and petty intimidation.

You did every single person who rides a bike a disservice and proved yourself an even bigger asshole by bragging about it.

Zoetrope said:

Last night around 7 p.m. on Madison, you passed and honked at me because I guess you see cyclists as an inconvenience.  I was having a pleasant stroll on a gorgeous night, probably thinking about the IPA I was going to be drinking all night at my destination, and you had to go and ruin the moment with your rude and ignorant behavior.  Well, my wish was granted, and the light up ahead turned red.  

The shrieks of horror and look of genuine panic on your two trixie faces after I slammed my hand on your window (I'm surprised my hand or your window didn't break to be honest) and screamed at you with every obscenity I could come up with, is still providing me with belly laughs today.  Indeed, I have a big smile on my face right now, because I know you won't be honking at any cyclists EVER again, nor will you be causing any accidents or deaths because of it.  

Hope I see you around!




notoriousDUG said:

Wanna know why people honk at bikes and treat cyclists like shit?

Ignorant assholes like you who have to escalate something as harmless as honking a horn to physically violent actions and petty intimidation.

You did every single person who rides a bike a disservice and proved yourself an even bigger asshole by bragging about it.

I guess that's one way of looking at a response to an act of physical and audible intimidation against a fellow cyclist.  Aren't you a cop?  Very telling...

The reality of the situation last night was the driver sped past me on a very narrow stretch of pavement and was using the horn as a way of saying "Get out of my way, or I will hit you".  The driver got the point, and she won't be startling any more newbs or causing accidents because of her horn.  I'm a hero, and you're the asshole.  Asshole.  :)

Kevin C said:

I'll see your asshole move and raise you my own asshole move. 

We all live in a big city. Honking in traffic, though not a particularly articulate means of communication, is a means of communication nonetheless. I'm sorry you were put into a position by a driver where you felt threatened or at risk. Whether their act was intentional or inadvertent, by the time you decided to assault the driver, the threat had already passed. You were safe. You may also have missed a teaching moment. If you wanted to talk to the driver at the red light, and could have done it civily-great. If you think you have somehow taught her a constructive lesson by striking her window with enough force that you are surprised you didn't break the window or your hand, I think you're wrong. The most probable lesson she took from the experience is that bike riders are assholes. I'm sorry you can't see the difference, and no, I don't think you are a hero, or that you behaved heroically.

Zoetrope said:

I guess that's one way of looking at a response to an act of physical and audible intimidation against a fellow cyclist.  Aren't you a cop?  Very telling...

The reality of the situation last night was the driver sped past me on a very narrow stretch of pavement and was using the horn as a way of saying "Get out of my way, or I will hit you".  The driver got the point, and she won't be startling any more newbs or causing accidents because of her horn.  I'm a hero, and you're the asshole.  Asshole.  :)

Kevin C said:

I'll see your asshole move and raise you my own asshole move. 


You are seriously telling me that somebody honking while they pass you is your idea of threatening behavior? 

Get over yourself, you are the exact opposite of a hero and the next time somebody yells at me for no reason or tells me cyclists are jerks I will remember to thank you for that.

Kevin C said:

We all live in a big city. Honking in traffic, though not a particularly articulate means of communication, is a means of communication nonetheless. I'm sorry you were put into a position by a driver where you felt threatened or at risk. Whether their act was intentional or inadvertent, by the time you decided to assault the driver, the threat had already passed. You were safe. You may also have missed a teaching moment. If you wanted to talk to the driver at the red light, and could have done it civily-great. If you think you have somehow taught her a constructive lesson by striking her window with enough force that you are surprised you didn't break the window or your hand, I think you're wrong. The most probable lesson she took from the experience is that bike riders are assholes. I'm sorry you can't see the difference, and no, I don't think you are a hero, or that you behaved heroically.

Zoetrope said:

I guess that's one way of looking at a response to an act of physical and audible intimidation against a fellow cyclist.  Aren't you a cop?  Very telling...

The reality of the situation last night was the driver sped past me on a very narrow stretch of pavement and was using the horn as a way of saying "Get out of my way, or I will hit you".  The driver got the point, and she won't be startling any more newbs or causing accidents because of her horn.  I'm a hero, and you're the asshole.  Asshole.  :)

Kevin C said:

I'll see your asshole move and raise you my own asshole move. 

You said I assaulted the driver when I did not, and that's a jerky thing to do.  Reading your goofy philosophizing on the car horn as means of communication and preachy wannabe-zen platitudes aren't going to convince me my reaction was asshole-ish while the drivers was "inadverdant" or somehow OK, either.  Please feel free to go on though, because I could always use a laugh.   

Kevin C said:

We all live in a big city. Honking in traffic, though not a particularly articulate means of communication, is a means of communication nonetheless. I'm sorry you were put into a position by a driver where you felt threatened or at risk. Whether their act was intentional or inadvertent, by the time you decided to assault the driver, the threat had already passed. You were safe. You may also have missed a teaching moment. If you wanted to talk to the driver at the red light, and could have done it civily-great. If you think you have somehow taught her a constructive lesson by striking her window with enough force that you are surprised you didn't break the window or your hand, I think you're wrong. The most probable lesson she took from the experience is that bike riders are assholes. I'm sorry you can't see the difference, and no, I don't think you are a hero, or that you behaved heroically.

So you don't view a car running a cyclist off the road with their 2 ton vehicle and a horn blast to be assault then?  I'm still from Earth, where people tend to protect themselves against violence with like-minded actions.  Too bad that your head is so far up your self-righteous faux courteous ass you missed it.      

The main thing the driver will take away is it's not OK to run cyclists off the road and honk at them antagonistically, and that's what I wanted.      

Let me be the first to call you a liar here. In your first post you said they 'passed and honked,' your second post stated they 'sped past me on a very narrow stretch of pavement and was using the horn,' and now it is that they ran you off the road into a car; which one of these is it because those are all very, very different things.

Regardless of any of those what you did was the very definition of assault.  An assault you cannot even get away with saying was self defense because you were out of danger at the time and the driver was no longer doing anything to threaten you.  When you attempt to scare somebody or damage them or their property after the fact you are not defending yourself you are not only assaulting them but you are escalating the situation.  This has nothing to do with courteous behavior and more to do with not making a bad situation worse; what if they got angry and chased you down after?  What if they had been a big dude who got out and beat you senseless?  Actually scratch that last one because I seriously doubt you would have pulled a jackass stunt like that if it had not been somebody you knew you could bully...

The main thing that driver is going to take away is that cyclists are violent asshats.  Depending on how severe the whole thing actually was, and I place very little value on your word after all the changing of your story, there is a good chance the driver never even knew they had done something; did you know a lot of driver honk as they pass a cyclist to let them know they are there?  Yeah it's obnoxious but they think they are being nice.

One would think you would take the hint on this one when every response here is calling you an asshole.  You can justify this to yourself all you want but it will not change the fact that you are an asshole.

Zoetrope said:

So you don't view a car running a cyclist off the road with their 2 ton vehicle and a horn blast to be assault then?  I'm still from Earth, where people tend to protect themselves against violence with like-minded actions.  Too bad that your head is so far up your self-righteous faux courteous ass you missed it.      

The main thing the driver will take away is it's not OK to run cyclists off the road and honk at them antagonistically, and that's what I wanted.      

MMMM, delicious BACON sandwich!


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