Saw this on tumblr. Link to the article:
The cities selected from 42 applications are Austin, Texas; Chicago, Il.; Memphis, Tenn.; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco, Calif.; and Washington, D.C.
Details will be released at a national kickoff in late May in Chicago.
Sounds helpful in reaching Chicago's bicycle goals.
More info here: BikesBelong
Green Lane Project from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
The Green Lane Project is a new effort that will work closely with six U.S. cities to help them build world-class cycling networks on city streets. These will be cities that are poised to make significant progress over the next two years in installing cycle tracks and related improvements, which we’re calling Green Lanes. The Project will facilitate a partnership between the cities and provide them with resources and technical assistance, while expanding the knowledge base and sharing it widely.
The next install should go something like this:
Broadway from Montrose to Halsted
Halsted from Grace to Lincoln
Lincoln to Wells
Wells to Congress
That's about 6 miles worth.
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