The Chainlink

Police Car Pursuing a Bicycle at 60MPH Must Be the Most Absurd Chase In History

"This Czech bicycle rider must have steel ball bearings or a lot of crimes to answer for. Otherwise I wouldn't understand why is he racing down a highway at 60mph (100km/h) with a police car chasing him."

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Hahaha, that is awesome. I once drafted behind a van and veered off after looking at my bike computer and saw that I was going 40 MPH. That's right, I chickened out.

The video looks like it's a fake.  Drafting behind a van at 60mph is stretching things but somewhat believable but then pulling over and accelerating in front of the van isn't.  Not to mention, he's doing all of this on a mountain bike and without getting in the drops or even trying to get aero.

Czech beer can make you do amazing things.

I've heard stories of custom road bikes being able to sustain 35-45 mph without drafting or more with a good tail wind. Now if it was a Fixie then I'd call B.S.

A decent road bike or TT bike with the right gearing can hit that.  Hell the track sprinters do that on fixed gear track bikes although for a short distance.  My issue is that if you watch the video closely, the guy is fairly upright and the stuff near the end shows that he's riding a mountain bike or hybrid with a straight handlebar.  All the people going fast on bikes are on drops or tucked in or doing something to get aero and this dude is going really fast while sitting upright?  I call shenanigans. 

Mike Zumwalt said:

I've heard stories of custom road bikes being able to sustain 35-45 mph without drafting or more with a good tail wind. Now if it was a Fixie then I'd call B.S.

The "fastest" ever 208mph - starting from being towed to 100mph.

Have you ever been shot out of a cannon? -would you like to be?

When I used to ride with a cycling computer 32mph was in inner-city max and my all time max was 48mph. I set the all time max while descending a giant hill on a fully loaded touring bike on a tour near Traverse City, MI.

My max was 49.9mph, coming down a huge hill in far southern Illinois.  I saved that for almost two years as my max speed on that computer. 

I hit 50+ at RAGBRAI two years ago on day 4 - monster downhill drafting. yippeeeeee


before that it was 48mph at the Galena Triathlon - another monster hill

Did you wear a helmet? ;)

dan brown said:

I hit 50+ at RAGBRAI two years ago on day 4 - monster downhill drafting. yippeeeeee


before that it was 48mph at the Galena Triathlon - another monster hill

That is awesome!

Cameron Puetz said:

 a redneck going down the hill in a pickup beside me thought a bike going over 50 mph was quite the sight and started shouting out speed updates.


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