Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yes (Irish)

Lovely, lovely weather for bike drive'in.  (Now say it agin in yer finest brogue.)   ; ) 


Gene, the City of Chicago, "Department of Tourism" are on the phone.  

Their holding for you on line three.  

Thanks for capturing and sharing the splendors of our front yard!  

I just got back from an 18mi ride on Lake Shore trail, I love this weather!

Well said!  Really a pleasure to peep your pics, Gene.  

Steel Driver said:


Gene, the City of Chicago, "Department of Tourism" are on the phone.  

Their holding for you on line three.  

Thanks for capturing and sharing the splendors of our front yard!  

Nice morning for a ride.

Looking at the amount of vomit on the sidewalks, garbage in the street, and broken glass in the bike lane, I'd say that St Patrick's day was a rousing success for all involved

Ha. I almost forgot what it was like to show up to work with sweat dripping everywhere. Oddly, this marks 9 days in a row that I've been on the bike, which hasn't happened in a while.

It was a beautiful angry red-pink sunrise that started turning more orange and then became yellow by the time I got to the office this morning.  Spring when the weather is like this is always the best part of the year.

Mythbusters exhibit at the MSI!


Don't leave home without it:

Morgan said:

Argh! I got a flat halfway in. And wouldn't you know it...not a taxi willing to haul me and my bike. I had to push (gasp) it the rest of the way.

I hate flats.


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