I've seen people handing out condoms at Critical Mass before, and I'm trying to get in touch with someone who does that. Help?

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Here is one that was handed out at the Premiere of Bicycle Dreams...

Is it for a complaint of a defective product?

LOL, no.

I've never seen a condom-handing-out-person but if I did I think I might give 'em a donation.

There are too many people in this world.  Period.

Well, that's kind of what I'm trying to do.

I go to every CCM that I can get to if I'm not out of town.  I don't get to many of the local neighborhood ones.  I've yet to see this guy but if/when I do  I'm going to slip him a $20.  

The next time I see Steven Vance I'm going to give him a $20 too for handing out lights even though it goes against my "too many people in the world" campaign.  I guess once they get here they can stay ;)

I was thinking that the condoms would be more of an "anti-bike" thing. As if it was...Trying to prevent more cyclists from being born


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