We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Hi, I'm Ruth, I live in Lincoln Park and unfortunately right now am still riding a hybrid with road tires... but I'm hoping to find a good not-too-expensive road bike.  I also run (slowly) along the lakefront and would love to find others who run 10:30/miles to run with me :-)

Welcome Ruth!!


That isn't slow!!! At least not to me, try 14 minute miles! haha


Good luck with your search for a new bike!



Saw the newbie post, weather is nice. Post who ya are. And check out the thread. Lotsa folks that are active in the bike community in here. ;-)

I'll get her started back up. My name is Gabe and I love the bike crew in Chicago. I'm a proud Midnight Marauder and can't wait to get back to riding full time. I'm outta commission cause I broke my knee but the support of the bike crew has been amazing. First pic is during the charity bike washes we do. Come get your ride cleaned and lubed for a donation that will go to a new cause each month.

Second pic is when the Santa/Dreidel Rampage came to visit me at the Hospital. Blurry like the memories of anyone that goes on the ride. :-)

Last pic is me back on my bike last week. i can't ride far but i can ride. Workin on my endurance.

Hi. My name is Gene Tenner.

I fly this trike.

You will often see my pet human in the front seat. He always carries a camera and takes photos like this.

He is the Communications Director for the Carpenters Union and does fundraising presentations for the Sudanese Community Association of Illinois - those who have fled Darfur and Southern Sudan. I wish he would pedal faster, so I could flap my wings less.

Same guy. Different face...

I ride the LandSlide...

setting my sights on Burning Man to make more people FurTile...

pitching tents, "bartar", LSD, ride of silence, film fests, hodge podging, pedicabs, folding bikes and helmets too...

but on the water it's stand up surfing the canoe with a kayak paddle.

Yay!  So my name is Kate.  My cousin got me into triathlons last year and I've become hooked on biking.  I've biked my whole life but now it's becoming an obsession!  I love all bikes - roadies, tri, fixies, all of them!  I don't know much about any of them but I think they are all sexy and I want one of each please!

I've recently had the opportunity to hang out with a group of folks in Minneapolis who are very plugged into the cycling scene and I made it my mission to find like minded people here.  I knew there had to be!

Welcome Peeps! ;-)

My name is James and I have a drinking bike-hoarding problem.

This is my daily rider.

I often haul lots of stuff -including bikes I buy/sell:

This is my distance bike:

I like to do Tweed Rides on my '54 Raleigh that my dad bought new with his paper boy money back in 1954:

I clean up well:

I don't use training wheels any more:

Although I wished I did the day I rode this penny farthing:

One last thing:  I swallowed a bug...

Great Pics James! ;-)

I'm David and this is me, This is my babyExcept now she's a single Speed.

I was born and raised here

I love to read and cycle, I'm only a hoarder when it comes to books and bikes.

I used to do this for a living but now I'm retired.

Greetings, my name is Brendt and this is me.

I lived in Chicago from 1999 until 2006 when I moved out to Arizona to ride bikes pretty much full time.

I spent between 4 and 6 days a week starting, spending or finishing my day on some sort of bike, although I primary rode downhill rigs, I have a love for all bikes.

After one of my pre-work morning rides.

South Mountain, which is the largest municipal park in North America was my backyard, and there wasn't often a day that I didn't spend riding there.

While I have a love for all things pedal driven, my primary love is mountain bikes.  Here is my fleet of dirt machines ranging from my dirt jumper, to my 29ers, to my all mountain bikes and my DH rig.

This is the "Tweaker" (because I bought it from one) which is a Redline Monocog mountain bike that was painted with purple house paint and completely destroyed by said tweaker when I picked it up for $30.  Only the frame is original and after a fresh powder coating, decals, a conversion to 700c's and a slew of new parts (except the 1978 Brooks saddle) it is now my single speed commuter.

As much as I love riding bikes, I also love building and wrenching on bikes.  One of the first things that was installed in our new house when we moved back to Chicago was a proper work shop specifically for maintaining bikes.

As much as I love bikes, I also love beer...

When I am not engulfed in bikes or beer, I work in the advertising industry, which is why we moved back to Chicago.  (That and it's the best city)


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