for me no not on the mirror but maybe kick the tire ha

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What do you mean you 'hope' you never will?  Are you not in control of your actions?  There is no need to hope you never commit an act vandalism because you have the ability to control your actions.

It is not a matter of people who do not see this clip as cool being trolls or not riding on the street, it is a matter of them understanding basic principals of human interaction.  If it is OK to claim a mirror when somebody cuts you off and forces you over why is it not OK for a motorist to claim, say a wheel, from a cyclist who cuts them off or does something asshole to them?

Brendan said:

I watched the video again and I think it's pretty clear the cyclist was fed up with the unpredictable and aggressive way in which the mirror-less weaver was driving.  I see and experience the same too often, actually.  Though, I've yet to claim any mirrors as trophies, and hope I never will.    

Was smashing the idiots mirror the 'right' thing to do?  I'ma let ya'll argue about that.  Was it awesome to see an idiot driver get his mirror smashed, even if he didn't do similar damage to the cyclist's bike?  Hell yeah.  The dude was asking for it by driving like a complete ass-hat.  I'm sure the cyclist got away with it, too, which is extra awesome.

People having a hard time grasping how awesome this clip is are either trolls (see: Dug) or only ride on forest preserve paths.  Yo, it gets crazy out there.  Protect yourself, trust your instincts, and don't take no shit.  And then when things are going good, try being nice.  Woo hooo

For me it comes to this; there is really no action the motorist could have done that would have made smashing his mirror and running off OK.  Seriously, can somebody please tell me what action from the driver you think would have made breaking the mirror off OK?  I would really like to know where the cut off is for what makes property damage OK.

Ride your bicycle everywhere said:

To me, what happens before matters cause it tells the story, vs. a soundbite or clip.

Anything could have happened.. For all we know the cyclist may have started something earlier in the clip and the drivers action was a reaction. Editing can be a bitch sometimes. Can anyone translate/decipher the silent words that were spoken? I certainly can't.

All we can do is speculate until we KNOW. Am I wrong?

notoriousDUG said:

Why does it matter what happened before?

What could have happened before the cyclist knocked the mirror off that would have justified it?

Brendan said:

I have to say, that looked fun.  The smashing part, not the being threatened by a motor vehicle part.  But was it right?  Well, do we know what happened before this clip starts?  I mean, that is the question, innit?

That's all I got... except for another quote to add to all the others:

"You can wear a cowboy hat to make fun of people who wear cowboy hats, but in the end you just come off looking like a guy wearing a cowboy hat."

Peace and chain grease,



notoriousDUG said:

For me it comes to this; there is really no action the motorist could have done that would have made smashing his mirror and running off OK.  Seriously, can somebody please tell me what action from the driver you think would have made breaking the mirror off OK?  I would really like to know where the cut off is for what makes property damage OK.

Well stated.

notoriousDUG said:

For me it comes to this; there is really no action the motorist could have done that would have made smashing his mirror and running off OK.  Seriously, can somebody please tell me what action from the driver you think would have made breaking the mirror off OK?  I would really like to know where the cut off is for what makes property damage OK.

I wound up taking off someone's rear view mirror once. In a sense. It got knocked off when they sideswiped me and tore my hand open with it and drove off.

The question was not is it a good story, the question was "is it right or wrong". For that question, according to our legal system and most legal and ethical systems, the answer is "what happened before does not matter" except maybe in the punishment phase.

He is wrong, but maybe the car was so eggregious that his anger is understandable and we may punish him less, but that does not change the fact that he was wrong.

Ride your bicycle everywhere said:

To me, what happens before matters cause it tells the story, vs. a soundbite or clip.

C'mon, if we broke something every time we were mad on the road the streets would be a junkyard of broken parts.


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