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Oh come on, how juicy would that be?

It's not over yet. There will be demands on the millions spent on the past two years on why the case was dropped, and Lance not brought to trial. And USADA said they are committed to continue the investigation.

Let 'em continue the witch hunt. There's no "there" there... it'll just make USADA look more  stupid.

Ride your bicycle everywhere said:

Oh come on, how juicy would that be?

It's not over yet. There will be demands on the millions spent on the past two years on why the case was dropped, and Lance not brought to trial. And USADA said they are committed to continue the investigation.


mike w. said:

Let 'em continue the witch hunt. There's no "there" there... it'll just make USADA look more  stupid.

Ride your bicycle everywhere said:

Oh come on, how juicy would that be?

It's not over yet. There will be demands on the millions spent on the past two years on why the case was dropped, and Lance not brought to trial. And USADA said they are committed to continue the investigation.


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