I was reminded today how much I love my road bike. Feel free to add your words of praise to your favorite friend here too.

Oh How I Love Thee, My Precious Bianci

You are so beautiful
graceful, slim and sleek
you make me feel so good
riding fast on your wonderfully smooth seat
I feel like I'm flying
in the clouds
Just you and me
no other thing compares
nothing matters
just you and me
I love those days when you and I can spend hours together
forgetting our worries
One day we will move to an island with no snow, sleet or ice
and live out our days together
and make beautiful little baby road bikes

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nooooooooo! lol

Aaron Bussey said:
And when I get there

Will you ask for a fare

Then grab my Batavus and bust it?

Anne said:
"milwaukee is tame, even for a Gitane, but if you cross my Gitane you can suck it!"

Aaron Bussey said:
David said:
There once was a bike from Nantucket...

Who crossed Milwaukee in a Gitane...
Did you ask Willy?

Aaron Bussey said:
My GT, my GT...

I got you for a lowly fee
Fifty bucks and a gear shifter that sucks
You truly are the bike for me

I have ridden her in Detroit, Birmingham and now Chicago
My only sin is that after all this time
I haven't given her a name with bravado

Maybe Betty
Maybe Steve
I've always been partial to Billy...
Maybe I should ask Willy?

Whatever I name her it will be sufficient
For come summer we will be ready to rock
From Wicker Park to the Loop and down to Lake Calumet
100 miles in one day with many drips of sweat
Maybe I should name her Self-Respect

Oh my GT...
He told me to go with a name that has the first letter of the make in the first letter of the name - i.e. his Trek is named Tess and his Burley is named Buttercup...etc

So I think my GT will be named George - I am a HUGE Seinfeld fan and my bike is kind of like him. Big, stocky tires, you could even call them similar to a bald mans head, and it is very depressing just like him yet when I get done with a good ride I always say Yeah Baby! - George is Back......ok I'm wierd. :P

Julie Hochstadter said:
Did you ask Willy?

Aaron Bussey said:
My GT, my GT...

I got you for a lowly fee
Fifty bucks and a gear shifter that sucks
You truly are the bike for me

I have ridden her in Detroit, Birmingham and now Chicago
My only sin is that after all this time
I haven't given her a name with bravado

Maybe Betty
Maybe Steve
I've always been partial to Billy...
Maybe I should ask Willy?

Whatever I name her it will be sufficient
For come summer we will be ready to rock
From Wicker Park to the Loop and down to Lake Calumet
100 miles in one day with many drips of sweat
Maybe I should name her Self-Respect

Oh my GT...
I'm bumping this for you Willow...
oh bicycle you please me so,
even when its cold with snow.
no wind nor rain can keep us down
for with you I never frown.

the flat we had, just last week
a chance to walk and shoot the breeze.
that stuck break that never leaves,
another break for tinkering.

Each moment we have is always grand
as we travel cross this open land.
from sea to sea... or lake to lake
I just prey we're always late ;-) (I was always late for school)

cutifly said:
roses are red.
violets are blue.
if it rides on 2 wheels,
then it's a bike silly !
it's not a shoe !
I will never leave you parked outside to face the night .
Always near and in sight.

hand to handle, we lead each other.
no, not as sister and brother.

your wheels really shine metal chromium
I will ride with you for a melenium
if righteously you caress my perineum

I pump to fill your needs not just at night.
but no riding until the lube checks right

2gether life's hills turn in to fun coast.
2gether we kiss the wind and show children to make the most

You break down.
We never break up.

If any steal you away I'll walk and run.
i may ride another but not the same fun.

others have ridden you
I have ridden others too

we try our first road I feel a little sway
Nothing can stop us as we slide away

some wonder what they missed
we escape into the mist

tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik
tik tik tik tik ttikk ttikk ttikk ttikk ...
Julie - why don't you post a photo for us to gaze at of that

sweet-lookin' / smooth talkin' / house rockin' new redline anyway ???


I miss that Bianchi..... may be time to write poems about my red Giant.

...and enter the valentine for a chance to win a bike:


Thanks- I entered a short poem. What a neat little contest!

Silly poem, but I figured why not:

What a sight to see
A bicycle just for me
Gleaming bright
Riding day and night
How I truly love thee

BalloonBiker said:

...and enter the valentine for a chance to win a bike:



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