Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Not yet, but I plan to. It is to nice not to ride.

Gorgeous day to ride- sadly, part of it was ruined when one of the cars next to me decided to use their windshield wipers and spray just at the moment I was passing their windshield.  Luckily I wore my glasses today, which received the majority of the spray- although a bit did sting my eyes. Otherwise, beautiful day to ride!

I had a similar experience:  passing the car-wash place at Clark and Ridge, the spray from one of the booths wafted into my path and I was doused.  No harm done, but it was somewhat annoying. 

Melanie said:

Gorgeous day to ride- sadly, part of it was ruined when one of the cars next to me decided to use their windshield wipers and spray just at the moment I was passing their windshield.  Luckily I wore my glasses today, which received the majority of the spray- although a bit did sting my eyes. Otherwise, beautiful day to ride!

Finally saw some other people in the women's locker room of my bike garage!  It's been a ghost town lately.

Loving this weather!

Women should be obscene and not heard. -- Groucho Marx  ;)

122782_ said:

Finally saw some other people in the women's locker room of my bike garage!  It's been a ghost town lately.

Don't forget your sunscreen today.

If you have a bike you should be on it at least a bit, 56 degrees as of 2:30 and sunny, how can you not want to ride today. 

Today's winds were pretty crippling on the big rig. I took off the box's rain cover hoping to alleviate some of the wind sail effect I experienced yesterday but today's ride was still pretty brutal heading south and west.

I also need to give my rims a good wipe down with a wet rag. There's a ton of caked on mud that combined with the closeness of the v-brake pads make for a feeling of trudging through molasses. Ditching the kid at home tonight and riding to the bar on a much more agile personal bike. 

Too bad it was cloudy for the PM commute. However, once I got away from the southern winds,  I felt like a cat 1 racer. It's amazing how much faster you can go when it's not below freezing.

This morning was the first time in nearly 2 months that I passed someone riding to work.  He had on a balaclava and I was just scratching my head.

Perhaps the balaclava is there to keep him focused on riding and remind him to not scratch his head. :)

I did not even wear a jacket on the way home tonight! 

Dave Grossman said:

This morning was the first time in nearly 2 months that I passed someone riding to work.  He had on a balaclava and I was just scratching my head.

Hmmm? I still saw people bundled up with scarves around necks, gloves, hats. I mean it was in the 40's when I left for work but sunny, and by this afternoon I was hot in a jacket.

Dave Grossman said:

This morning was the first time in nearly 2 months that I passed someone riding to work.  He had on a balaclava and I was just scratching my head.


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