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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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traded in my buff for the smart wool gaiter. im much happier now! this mornings ride was pleasant, a bit rushed, but pleasant.

We haven't had much weather cold enough for me to really need the neck gaiter, but if you're happy, I'm happy. 

iggi said:

traded in my buff for the smart wool gaiter. im much happier now! this mornings ride was pleasant, a bit rushed, but pleasant.

That wind was tough this morning, but at least it wasn't very cold! Everyone I saw on the LFT this morning seemed to sail right past me, but I made it to work, eventually only about 10 minutes later than usual. I love how peaceful it is out there right now.

In the event you want to waste 15 minutes of your life, I bought a Go Pro for snowboarding and wanted to try it out beforehand, so I took it on my commute this morning....

Wind was a bit harsh, but not as bad as it could have been. It's been a great winter for commuting overall.

im a wuss in the cold.  i like to be bundled up and as little skin exposure as possible.  even tho i will ride into the negative teens, i start to wear underlayers at 40degrees.

Kevin C said:

We haven't had much weather cold enough for me to really need the neck gaiter, but if you're happy, I'm happy. 

iggi said:

traded in my buff for the smart wool gaiter. im much happier now! this mornings ride was pleasant, a bit rushed, but pleasant.

I brought the light-duty hat to replace the balaclava for the evening commute. We'll see which I choose once I get out of here.

We don't believe you :)  You must prove us wrong with pictures.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Oh, my! Did I ride today :)

A.M. Southbound on Wells stopped at a red light, intersection of Wells and Chicago.  A car squeezes between me in the bike lane and the curb real fast, to make the right on red.  I was really startled.

P.M., as advertised!  LFP was JOY!  55-70GI's.  Bikers and runners in shorts, me no gloves, woohoo, ;)  .


Serge, just ask Gene.  ;)

Beautiful morning for a ride into work - headwind out the SSW was a bit strong - but hey, that's why it is going to be close to 60 today! Those riding north will enjoy the push.


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