The Chainlink

What is/are your New Year's Resolutions involving biking?

Some of us make new year's resolutions while others of us should. Just curious who is aiming for something bike related this upcoming year. Triathlon in your future? Ride a certain amount of miles? Build a bike from scratch? Commute more on your bike?

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Def a triathlon. Heard great things about Danskos womens tri in naperville. Now I just need to sign up and start training!

I WILL do a Century!

Commute to work at least once a week in the spring and summer.

Shawn: that was my resolution this year. I ended up commuting by bike more days than not (including today)--I think it's really addictive.

Put more time in on the rollers while the weather is bad. Now that I have a short commute (the bike portion) I haven't been riding as much.

Fixing and putting together the two dust gathering bicycle frames in the cruiser and what is left of my hubby's vintage bike after a dooring earlier this year. Frame is good, fork and wheels not so good. Hoping by March we can get them both done and serviceable. 

Being on a bike 365 days is unrealistic due to work commitments, close-down-LSD-type weather and personal situations. So, I am shooting for my area code: 6 days per week for 52 weeks, or 312 days next year.

Ride 2000 miles for 2012 including at least 2 century rides.  

To "wake" some of my sleeper projects, including Pilsen/Little Village Bicycle Alliance and Friends of the Oakley Bikeway, ideally not at the expense of any of my active projects . . .

Ooh, pray tell h' what is Pilsen/Little Village Bicycle Alliance?

So far it's an e-mail list built of having a sign-up sheet at local events over the course of a few years.

Here's a (rather ugly and outdated, sorry) sense of what it could be:

I guess the next step is to get a physical event/meeting thing to happen.

To maybe ride a bike.


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