Goosberry pie here:
I just barely had enough for two pies. I thought I wouldn't due to the hail knocking what looked like 1/2 the berries to the ground before ripe, so I scouted out a recipe for gooseberry sour cream pie and made a second trip to the store last night for the missing ingredients, plus some frozen blackberries to bridge the g-b shortage . . . but I woke up too late to mess with anything fancy right now.  Unless the sour cream ends up being a midnight snack, there will be blackberry-sour-cream pie at some near future event.

What's cooking at your house? (or what did you cook . . .)

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I made a seitan roast with potatoes and carrots and celery and onions in a crock pot. It was edible as heck.


I brewed 10 gallons of Rauchbeir on T-day.

We made pumpkin dumplings with parsley and radicchio, sorghum-and-chile sweet potatoes (dusted with pecans and coconut flakes), the family cranberry sauce recipe, cornbread and pecan stuffing, and a pumpkin chocolate bread pudding. Gluten-free Thanksgiving courtesy of the NYT vegetarian thanksgiving pages!


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