I was stuck by a car on 08/02/11 in front of the merchandise mart due to cabs being in the bike lane. The rule on Chicago city streets ~

Motorists are reminded that parking, idling or driving in bike lanes is illegal in the city of Chicago.

Motorists parking in bike lanes endanger bicyclists by forcing them to merge unexpectedly with faster moving motor vehicle traffic.




If this rule was ENFORCED then my accident would not have happened. Any suggestions on what I can do to make sure this doesn't happen to a fellow cyclist?

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When I was riding in NYC this fall, I noticed SOME cabs had small signs on the back that said "Caution, passengers exiting" with a light that flashes when the driver turns it on.  It looked like it was clearly aimed at cyclists.  I think it's a great idea and would love to see this on cabs here.

We are resposible for ourselves. If we expect others to protect us we will get hit. Ride smart. Everyone should ride like they are invisable. =D

Thanks! That makes sense but we'll see how the rapport goes and how open the Watch Commander is. Hopefully he/she is having a good day!

D. Will said:

I thought I'd throw my 2 wheels in:

You might want to go to the Police Station "House' and request to talk to what is called the Watch Commander for the police--ask for the Watch Commander. They are the manager-supervisor's that oversees the police officers on shift. If you get in good with this official or I should say have a good rapport they can direct the officers under their control to focus on that area of 'safety concern'. This could also work for complaints about officers-or commendations for that matter. (this is a retype from me as I misplaced the 1st one).

Let's say you were driving a car and the car in front of you stops.   You switch lanes without looking, and get hit by the car that was already in that lane.  Who is at fault?

I believe that you are at fault.  The car going straight in it's own lane has the right of way and you're supposed to yield to other vehicles when you change lanes.

John Wirtz said:

Let's say you were driving a car and the car in front of you stops.   You switch lanes without looking, and get hit by the car that was already in that lane.  Who is at fault?

Yes, that was a rhetorical question in response to the original poster.

I'm talking DESIGNATED BIKE LANES for cyclist and a car being in them. It's against the law in the city of Chicago for a car to be in the bike lane for whatever reason. I was simply asking a question of car in bike lane and received my answer from D. Will. I appreciate everyones opinion and insite. It's been most interesting and eye opening.

John Wirtz said:

Yes, that was a rhetorical question in response to the original poster.

I understand, but just because a car is parked in the bike lane doesn't mean you can merge into another lane without being responsible for your own actions.

Danni Liz Whirly-Gurl said:

I'm talking DESIGNATED BIKE LANES for cyclist and a car being in them. It's against the law in the city of Chicago for a car to be in the bike lane for whatever reason. I was simply asking a question of car in bike lane and received my answer from D. Will. I appreciate everyones opinion and insite. It's been most interesting and eye opening.

John Wirtz said:

Yes, that was a rhetorical question in response to the original poster.


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