I don't (unless forced to listen to) like to talk about illnesses, deceases, etc., and generally abstain from giving medical advices beyond common sense ones, so please hear me out.
I am (I hope) finally coming out of the worst flu I had in my life. It is the first time I had to go to a doctor for a mere flu since I immigrated in this country back in 1995.
Sorry for graphic details.
It started with a numb feeling in my throat, like it was sprayed with lidocaine prior to endoscopy (anyone who ever underwent that procedure would immediately recognize the feeling). By the end of the day, gradually worsening headache came. Then fever. High. I don't know exact numbers, but 103F I had when I finally got to the doctor didn't even feel like fever after the first two days of it. Despite all the gallons of tea and water I was drinking, I didn't even sweat, so dehydrated I was. On a fourth day, fever subsided a bit, but headache remained, and coughing started . . . Anyway, on day six I finally surrendered and went to a doctor. Diagnosis: influenza-type infection.
So. If you have symptoms even remotely similar to mine, forget tylenols, nyquils and alka-seltzers: you'll need antibiotics. And something stronger than ricola to get that muck out of your lungs. Go to doctor right away.
The worst part of this is: I exercise, ride the bike every day, haven't been smoking for many years, drink in moderation and all that. But did the bug got me and made me feel totally helpless. And knocked me of my bike for a full week now.
Hope you get well!
It does sound like a bacterial (flu-like) infection though since viruses aren't susceptible to antibiotics.
I know the feeling, and I loathe getting sick. I went through a spell a few years ago, which lasted a couple years, where I would get the flu or a bad cold multiple times a year. I think it was stress thing, or because I have a bad habit of biting my nails, or something like a combo of the two. I was unable to exercise for a while due to injuries, so that may have contributed. Around this time of year, I'm extra careful to wash my hands, and I even bought some clean well hand sanitizer that I carry (when I remember to :\ )
I don't think I ever took antibotics for the flu. That sounds bad, yeesh. Glad you're better and back on the bike though. :)
Just one thing, antibiotics don't do anything about the flu since influenza is caused by a virus. Taking them just makes it more likely you'll get some sort of antibiotic resistant bacteria which is very bad news. On the upside, if you get to your doctor quickly, there's some antivirals that you can get (tamiflu, etc.) although that may not be too effective unless you're likely to get side effects from the flu. The only catch is that you need to start taking them within a day or two of developing the flu symptoms.
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