Went over the bars on my Surly CC - messed up the left brake lever and bars. :-(


Good news - re-tapped, re-wrapped, and re-adjusted all by myself w/o needing a shop!  Even though I only probably saved $15-30 bucks, felt good to complete the repair all by myself. Just needed to boast about it to somebody and you guys/gals seemed like a good audience!


Hope that you all have a safe and fun weekend - I know I'm going to finally get back out and put some more miles on Surly.  Really sucked having it sitting in the "hospital" - aka corner of my apt staring at me all week while he was unridable.




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I rode my Cannondale today.  Was looking down at the skewed orientation of the brake levers from a winter crash, thinking, "I  really should fix that".  Not to mention the scratched top tube.


Great that you're up and riding again.  It's motivation for me to do some maintenance too.



I bit it after buying a friends fixie this spring.

Funny how after a few months the wounds heal on the body but not on the bike.

Front wheel is out of true, makes me a little nervous.

Ha its funny - the bruises from the fall disappeared right about the time I finally stepped it up to finish the repair.  Surly and I heal at the same rate I suppose...


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