stolen Madison: recovered from Logan/California last night

Recovered: Schwinn Madison fixed gear. Bike was abandoned by thieves when I chased them down as they attempted to steal my own bike's front wheel. Message me with a photo and or detailed description including frame color and size, color of rims, handlebar style, and brakes and I will return it. I may ask for a finder's fee since I was assaulted with a U-lock as things escalated.


Cross-posted to chifg/CL; nothing matches on the stolen bike registry. called local bike shops, also no hits.


keeping it after 48 hours.


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Finder's fee indeed.  I think that pretty much makes you an "accessory" to larceny. 

h' said:

Really? wouldn't you pay a reward to get your very posh bike back? the kids who tried to take my front wheel admitted to the cops that the bike wasn't theirs. I didn't steal it; they did. I'm the one who ran them down and got a u-lock chucked at me (and have a lovely lump on my arm to show for it). I'm the one who spent 30 minutes in the back of a squad car tracking the thieves down. I'm the one spending time calling bike shops and crossposting to multiple forums attempting to find the rightful owner of this very nice bike. pretty sure I deserve at least a six-pack.

I saw that.

Wrong color rims, tape, wrong bars. no stickers.


It would be cool if they bought you a six pack, but demanding a fee is tantamount to selling stolen property -- not a smart idea, especially when you're on the record here and through the police.  Keeping it after 48 is theft.
the cops told me to keep it. what else do you suggest I do with it?
and seriously, I wasn't intending to demand money for it.

thanks. if I can't find the owner my plan is to upgrade my bike and then give any leftover bits to West Town.


I've called all the Logan area bike shops, crossposted here/CL/chifg, posted on Active Trans's fb. any further suggestions?

You people are jack-asses.


I happen to know Sue C.  I would rate her as a fine human being and an all around good person and you shits are cutting her down because, after chasing down a bike thief, recovering a bike, being involved in a physical confrontation, working with the police to see that people were arrested and making quite the effort to find the rightful owner, she would like to see a little compensation?  Maybe I just have a completely skewed moral compass but if I lost a bike that retails for 400-500 dollars I would happily pay quite a bit more than the cost of even the finest six pack of beer.  My opinion is that we, as a community, owe Sue a beer or two for taking the risk to get the bike back and putting forth the effort to find the true owner instead of a whole ration of bullshit.  In fact the next time I see her I am going to buy her a beer not only for getting the bike back but as an apology for suggesting she post here as well as other places; of all the places she has posted trying to get this bike to it's rightful owner this is the only one where she has not been lauded for getting the bike back.


It would be one thing to call it selling stolen property or refer to her as an 'accessory' if she immediately tried to sell the bike out right or tried to extort the full price of the bike from the real owner but I hardly think expecting a little compensation for the effort she has put out is even close to a crime.

Yes we are.  I can accept being called that.  But I've never tried to extort grift money off of a larceny victim or withhold their personal property until they paid me a "finder's fee" after they have been victimized by theft. 

notoriousDUG said:

You people are jack-asses.



Yeah, 'may ask for a finders fee' is total extortion...


Attitudes like this are why I do so much less work towards recovering stolen bike than I used to.  Maybe I'm an entitled bastard but I feel people who take risks and make an effort to get peoples expensive bikes back deserve compensation.


James BlackHeron said:

Yes we are.  I can accept being called that.  But I've never tried to extort grift money off of a larceny victim or withhold their personal property until they paid me a "finder's fee" after they have been victimized by theft. 

notoriousDUG said:

You people are jack-asses.



I'd say etitled is the correct word.  Just because someone had something stolen from them doesn't mean that the person who finds it get's to extract payment from an innocent party for their "hard work."


In a perfect world, the person who DID THE HARM -i.e. the crook would have to "pay his debt to society" before they are ever let free again (and I dont' mean sitting in a box which is totally stupid) and would be made to recompense those who have been harmed by his actions and make all parties right for damages/suffering/inconvenience.  


But just passing the pain down to another victim is merely continuing the cycle of abuse IMHO.


Entitled is definitively the right word. Nobody is ever justified in taking from X to make up for losses caused by Y. 

Sounds like a good name for a metal band.

h' said:

"You people" who?



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