I found this link earlier today.  It seems to be from around 2003.  It's about bicycle safety, and more specifically, about whether wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle makes sense.  




I don't wear a helmet on my 15mile one-way commute to work.  I ride very slow.  It takes me an hour and ten minutes to get to work.  I understand that you don't have to go very fast to get a debilitating head injury, but the odds of that happening are very low so I take my chances.


What do you think?

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Do I always wear a helmet while cycling?  No, but I'm very well aware of the additional risk I'm taking.  Do I think helmet laws should mandate helmet use?  No, I believe we should all be free to make our own choices in life.  If one is aware that smoking may well cause cancer, I believe smokers should still be allowed to make their own bad choice in life to smoke, if they so desire.  But I'm all for the warning labels on packages of cigarettes, so that at least an informed decision can be made.  And the same should be true with helmets.  Trying to make the odd case that helmet use actually causes more injury than not using them obscures informed risk assessment.


"Summary of bicycle helmet studies

In all studies reviewed, there are consistent data indicating that wearing an industry-approved bicycle helmet significantly reduces the risk of head injury during a crash or collision. The reduction in risk is somewhat dependent on whether the controls originate from the emergency department or the population at large. However, population-based controls provide the best estimate of helmet effectiveness and allow it greatest generalizability. Overall, helmets decrease the risk of head and brain injury by 70 to 88 percent and facial injury to the upper and mid face by 65 percent."

--summary of a review of the literature by Harborview Injury Prevention & Re..., affiliated with the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.  "Founded in 1985, the Center is one of 12 injury-control centers supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the country."


Extensive bibliography on the helmet issue here

A discussion of the various issues within "helmet wars" debates

Should I Wear a Bike Helmet?


Its not the pace that YOU are going... rather the pace of the OTHER people. SHIT HAPPENS. be prepared.

I am against any law that bans helmets.  


People should be allowed to wear a helmet if they want to -or a crucifix, rabbits-foot, plastic jesus or buddha on their handlebars, or any other bit of religious jewelry or icon that they feel protects them from bad ju-ju.  


It's a free world -or at least should be. 


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