Road Safety Flier (continued from "driver's prosecuted for violence")

This forum is for the brainstorming of a chainlink flier with rules of the road and bicycle safety info.

The plan is to have a pdf flier available for download, to be carried by cyclists to help in disputes, create general awareness of the rules of the road with concern for cyclists, and to promote!

This is the one currently available for Illinois, but I think we could do better. Simple language and icons/graphics laying out the law, but with reference to where the law is written in legal mumbo jumbo.

There's also a booklet pdf here of the rules of the road.

I'm thinking something like: the chainlink banner on the top, followed by "cars, suv's, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles are all vehicles on the road entitled to the same rules and rights." Then some bullet points of legal bicycle actions on the road such as lane usage etc...

This should also be Chicagoland specific, so please voice your concerns or ideas for this flier. I know it will be great if we work on it as a chainlink team.


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ok, lets see if this attach file thing works. I reworked it a bit, and added some lane stuff. This size is 6 to a sheet of paper (2x3), but I think the title font is as small as it can go. the text is a little too small when I printed it. there's plenty of space for some graphics now too.
I'm into this, this is a great thing you're doing - thanks for taking the initiative.

Any consideration for "promoting" the dooring text to it's own section? Maybe a mention of the anti-dooring campaign (

How hard would a two-sided bilingual flyer be to pull off?
The next draft I think will go back to the original size, that way the text can be bigger. This small one is starting to feel like a fine print doc, not an easy-to-get-info-from brochure. I want to add some simple diagrams like the dooring campaign has. I'd be happy to make a spanish (I'm assuming that's the other language you're talking about) version of the final flier, if someone can translate it for me.

terryg said:
I'm into this, this is a great thing you're doing - thanks for taking the initiative.

Any consideration for "promoting" the dooring text to it's own section? Maybe a mention of the anti-dooring campaign (

How hard would a two-sided bilingual flyer be to pull off?
I know this discussion has been quiet for a bit. Just an update - school's back in session so my time is divided again, but I'm still working on it.
I just got a friend request from ride of silence asking if I would hand something out at the ride. Were you talking about this flier? If so, I'm in - and it gives me a good ultimate deadline to finish (though I hope it won't take until may).
Just sketched this out....maybe another way to go with this:

I've used the flyers that the Bike Ambassadors use (available from their website) for this purpose before. Not just easier, but also doesn't invite haters onto here to flame/stalk us.
People who would be on the receiving end of this flier probably already hate us, and they see us as a small minority on the road who aren't allowed to be there in the first place. Making it known that there are groups of riders out there that are willing to stand up for our rights not only empowers us; it increases our presence on the road as legitimate vehicles.
Right now there is a problem with bicycle acceptance on the road. We can avoid confrontation and keep getting run off the road, or we can speak up with our own voice. If you want to use another type of flier/message delivery system, great. The more there are out there, the bigger our voice is.

here's the link to get those fliers if anyone want's them (still LOTS of text, and small graphics):

payton said:
I've used the flyers that the Bike Ambassadors use (available from their website) for this purpose before. Not just easier, but also doesn't invite haters onto here to flame/stalk us.
Is this flyer now in the works?
a couple more things: bicyclists can take the lane if there is not enough room for a car to pass them safely (narrow roads or when there's a lot of parked cars, etc), i guess that's covered with "lack of...shared lane", but not totally clear

Also, i believe the law is front headlight and red rear reflector at night (though a rear light would be more visible, it's not an absolute must)...

i like the idea of this flyer cause most of this info is tucked away in CDOT sponsored booklets that motorists may never get their hands on...but you may want to consult CDOT or Active Trans. Alliance to double check the laws anyway.

I honestly want to see more "3feet rule" awareness on Chicago roads. bikers are learning to stay 3 feet from parked cars, but I don't think anyone is really telling drivers to drive 3 feet from bicyclists...
Thanks for the continued interest in the project, I've been busy with school recently (semester started up right as I started drafting the flier) so work on it has slowed. But my goal is to have it finished by May for the ride of silence, but sooner if it happens.

I definitely want some outside/legal advice on this. I've been using the law from this site as reference(and the links in the title post): (link here if that address doesn't work)
I was hoping to go to that meeting at REI and talk to the lawyer, but I had class. I'm sure there are lawyers on thechainlink, any of you willing help with this?

So the full bike law flier will take a bit longer, but the 3 feet rule flier (sketch above in red) I'm going to try to have finished sooner - less info to cram onto a small space legibly. (a month or so? it will be well timed with the spring rush)

Thanks again everyone for your input.
what's with these big boxes around everything? get those outta there.
How about this? I carry it around.

Note that Chicago law supersedes Illinois law in many cases, e.g., sidewalk riding.

I don't have a problem with the idea of flyers per se -- like I said, I've used the Bike Ambassadors ones before, which have the added advantage of being all "Mayor Daley" official -- but I was responding to the notion of a "Chainlink" one. I don't want to openly invite the deranged people who have a grudge against cyclists to pollute this site's forums, and to track me/you/us down. Maybe I've had a few too many "I'm going to finish you off!" threats.

And as for Critical Mass, we've had plenty of coverage in the local media. Doesn't seem to actually trickle down to the people in the metal cages, though. Remember, no one reads newspapers anymore...

GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:
I definitely want some outside/legal advice on this. I've been using the law from this site as reference(and the links in the title post):


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