ok, I'm not a moderator here - don't know if this site really has one for this sort of thing, but I'm feeling activist-like lately.

There have been a few immediate reposts lately, like a link to sheldon brown right after a link to sheldon brown. It can get a little confusing and annoying.

Thanks, keep posting chainlinkers!

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You are one of the most active, you should be a moderator. How many word can be spelled from the word 'moderator' using the same amount of letters ?
agreed! there's like 4 million winter biking and gear discussions.
I agree - lets see more threads on the main page.

Is there a way to make forums "sticky" like chifg? that way the for sale, bike porn, or other frequently used and long running forums can have their space, with more time relevent stuff cycling through the main page
h3 said:
The gods moderators people behind this site want "community" to happen, and ideally a community is self-regulating-- I think it's great for users to speak up about things like this, much preferable to an 'authoritative' type playing mom/dad, as long as there's an effort made to avoid bruising any feelings in the process.
Two things come to mind that would help avoid this particular problem:
1) Appropriate subject lines-- e.g. someone starts a thread called "this is cool!" about a new bike lock, then someone else comes along and starts one called "cool new bike lock" because they (understandably) didn't know the other thread was about the bike lock
2) Ability to see more threads (like 20) in main list view (currently not possible due to technical limitations of the NING interface)-- for now it would behoove users to at least look through page 2 of forum topics before starting a new thread (this would have prevented the second thread about the mobile laser bike lane thingy, for example, because the original thread was very well labeled.)
I definitely know the thrill you're talking about. whoohoo, party time for gabe! I think that the solution to what you and julie are debating is like you said - specific thread topics. Like the goggles thread that was just posted, not just a generic topic like winter gear.
Thanks Gabe for the reminder to search before posting! While h3 is right that we want to keep moderation to a minimum, I have added small reminders on the Add a Discussion page, to use a descriptive title and search before posting.
No, thrill is a perfect way to describe it. I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I don't get out much what with work, school, and homelife; so all this IS really great. Getting into a community is the best, and something I've missed for quite a while.

h3 said:
GabeW said:
I definitely know the thrill you're talking about. whoohoo, party time for gabe! I think that the solution to what you and julie are debating is like you said - specific thread topics. Like the goggles thread that was just posted, not just a generic topic like winter gear.

OK. so "thrill" maybe wasn't quite the right word-- probably should have went with kick, buzz, adventure, delight, joy, pleasure, quiver, or tremble.
I want to start this thread again with a different subject title and see if anyone notices! ;-)


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