Going to Indiana Dunes with some friends tomorrow. None of us have ever done this before!! So, any advice? :)

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drink plenty of water, get ice cream along the way. Stop in Whiting for Pierogi Fest
leave early.  it gets real dark out there by sundown.

Yeah!! One of us pointed out that the Pierogi Fest was goin on. I wonder if we'll catch it!  


We're leaving down the path, from Foster-ish, qute early (well, for us). So, sundown shouldn't be a problem (knock on wood).


Something I wanted to get opinions on is whether we should take the road-route, or the path-route. There's two ways to get there, I think.

Taking the "path-route" seems peaceful, but it looks like it adds 12 miles. I've always just rode through Gary on highway 12-20. 12-20 isn't any worse than riding in Chicago...but it certainly can be hectic at times.

The paths are nice and easy, but if you take them watch out once you're in Wicker Park (not that Wicker Park, the one in Highland, IN, behind Cabela's) - I've taken that way once, and got a little turned around there, as there are multiple ways through the park. A few other spots where the trails are not marked very well, so pay attention.


Also, you'll save 10-12 miles by riding streets. And it's a pretty nice ride on Dunes Highway/US-12 once you get past Gary Airport. There are a few tricky spots (Indianapolis Blvd, Cline Ave) that can be annoying if there's much traffic. I posted a route that bypasses Indianapolis Boulevard and takes you into Whiting Park from the SE corner of the city on here last summer that you can probably find if you search for it. So I would vote for road, or go there one way and come back the other.


Also, don't take the Calumet Trail, the one that runs parallel to US-12 next to the train tracks by the dunes. With all this rain we've been having, it will undoubtedly be under at least a few inches of water, and covered with bugs.

That was really good feedback, everyone. I'm nervous, but not scared. Just a little antsy! I also bought a couple extra batteries for my smartphone so I can consult the oracle if need be ;)


I especially like the suggestion of taking one on the way there, and the other on the way back. Vurry clever!

I've been thinking about doing the same! Let us know how it goes.   Good Luck :)


We went there via the roads, and back via the paths. There and back in 38 hours. Which I GUESS isn't that bigga deal since that's only 125 miles and I've done a century, but it IS still a big deal. Because that's 25 miles more than a century and we had to stealth camp. And it was frikkin hot. And two of us had never done any kind of real distance before (so proud of them!).


This is the first pic of the voyage:


Keep on clickin' the little arrow that points left to see more images from the ride. They've been plotted on a map using Andrew Bedno's social cycling system, Massup.us. 


I got to sit on the other side of Lake Michigan and see the sunset. I got to stealth camp, which is something I imagine I'll be doing a lot one day if and when I ever get my butt out on my BIG tour. We saw a painted turtle, multiple toads, two snakes, two herons, and lot of birds of prey. We got to traverse a giant, pond-scummy, swampy crevasse in a small back road (why is it closed? Surely bikes can get through...), there's a pic of that crevasse. I got to sleep in my one-person tent for the very first time (you can see the stars through it!). Oh, and we had the best wayfinder ever with us, so we were only lost a couple times. 


The grumpies did get to us a couple of times, but not usually for very long. Nothing that couldn't be cured with a nice stretch in the grass. 


And then Andrew met us at Montrose Beach with chillycold bottle of Champagne, protein bars, bread, and other goodies. 


Check out the pics though. And click the button "plot" to see where we went and how we came back. Click "3D" to do the virtual flythrough! It's actually pretty nifty. You'll wind up right on the beach at Mt. Baldy in the Dunes for a moment. 


Verdict: I'd do it again. Soon? 

And yep. That was me. Accidentally posting as Andrew. My bad :)


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