I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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@ Iggi--funny for whom?

Other gents--ah, no. There will be no photos of such Tom Coolery.


I would like to add--I tried something earlier today for my 9:00 am dog walk. I iced my feet. The theory was that, just like in winter (when, you will recall I rode my bike for my first winter season ever); if your feet are cold, you'll be cold. It sorta kinda worked. Ish.


I'd say that like any big ride, as long as you're hydrated, it's mostly mental at a certain point.

It also helps to have a salt lick attached to your bars.


Off I go to submerge myself in the pressure cooker.



oh my god i can not even FATHOM wearing jeans right now.  i'd die.  i would die! 


maybe he just left where he was coming from?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

This guy didn't look overheated. In fact, he wasn't even sweaty, with all that clothing. What's his secret?

(Taken about an hour ago at Wells & Jackson.)
I'm fair skinned and burn easily, so if I'm outside for long periods I'll wear long sleeves. I rode to three floyds last weekend in a long sleeve wool base layer. I was very comfortable as long as i was biking. At least I didn't get roasted. Anyone else do this sort of trick?

By how white his legs look, it seems that this is the first time that they have seen sunlight :P

Serge Lubomudrov said:

This guy didn't look overheated. In fact, he wasn't even sweaty, with all that clothing. What's his secret?

(Taken about an hour ago at Wells & Jackson.)

i do that quite often.  a few years back i hiked into the grand canyon.  temps were higher than the thermometer could display somewhere above 120.  i was in a long sleeve shirt.  i too prefer not to be exposed.


and ya, never heard of anyone with skin cancer in poland.  something about that eastern european sun

Kelvin Mulcky said:

I'm fair skinned and burn easily, so if I'm outside for long periods I'll wear long sleeves. I rode to three floyds last weekend in a long sleeve wool base layer. I was very comfortable as long as i was biking. At least I didn't get roasted. Anyone else do this sort of trick?
ima lay down on the floor naked with a cucumber slice on my forehead. after i close the blinds, of course. unless someone wants to pay to see that show.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Some (may be even too much) info about how to stay cool here.
I like having a loose long sleeve white wicking shirt that I can take off, dip in water and put back on when I'm out in the hot sun all day.  It keeps me cool and keeps me from getting all apple red.

iggi said:

i do that quite often.  a few years back i hiked into the grand canyon.  temps were higher than the thermometer could display somewhere above 120.  i was in a long sleeve shirt.  i too prefer not to be exposed.


and ya, never heard of anyone with skin cancer in poland.  something about that eastern european sun

Kelvin Mulcky said:

I'm fair skinned and burn easily, so if I'm outside for long periods I'll wear long sleeves. I rode to three floyds last weekend in a long sleeve wool base layer. I was very comfortable as long as i was biking. At least I didn't get roasted. Anyone else do this sort of trick?
Covering up from the sun is the way to go.  Here's proper Sahara Desert garb of the Tuareg.
All's I know is I'm going to punish some pbrs tonight. Going for quantity.
My broken right collar bone and left wrist from a bike crash two weeks ago today do unfortunately prevent this becoming a dilemma.
So I'm new to riding my bike to work... I need some advice, the weather forecast says there's 50% chances of raining, should I still ride my bike to work? What kind of clothing/gear will I need. Thanks for the help!

I say don't take chances with heat stroke.  Stupidly, I was riding around.  When I got to work I felt dizzy and light-headed, despite drinking what I thought was plenty of fluids.  Well, it turns out I had heat exhaustion and that was scary enough.  Do what you need to do.  If you need to ride half and bus half or bus all the way - do it.   This furnace acting as weather should be taken seriously.


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