Hi all I'm new to chain link, I was told this may be helpful so here I am. My bike was stolen on Friday :-(. It was a 2008 specialized dolce gray frame with pink handle bars it had a speedometer, and broken right foot cage. I locked it on Wabash and Washington in the loop. When I got out of work at 430ish it was gone. if anyone happens to see it ( fingers crossed) let me know. Thanks . ~Mia

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Hey Mia, did you file a police report?


Also did you register that it was stolen on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry?


You can access that by going to forums and its the first sticky message!


Good Luck!

Good advice. As of midnight, no entry has been submitted to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry

Eric said:

Hey Mia, did you file a police report?


Also did you register that it was stolen on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry?


You can access that by going to forums and its the first sticky message!


Good Luck!

I didn't I'm looking for my receipt. I thought I needed to have a serial number. I'm going to try the store I bought it from and see if they have a record of it. :-/ I bought it 2yrs ago. But I intent to file a report this week. I didn't know about the bike registration in Chicago. Is that really helpful??


Here's the link to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry:


Additional details can be added later as they become available.


Thanks for the report-- additional details to info (at) stolenbike.org when you have them.

Best way to file a police report is via 311, late at night (no wait time.)

I'd be interested to hear your experience with the shop in trying to get the serial number from their records.

CSBR entry.


This is exactly why I give out a detail sheet giving a full and complete listing/description of the bike Im' selling and all components including the SERIAL NUMBER with every bike I restore and sell.   I also give out a separate flier sheet that has a link to the free lifetime multiple-bike registry service at http://www.bikeregistry.com/


Keep the info sheet and the login-password to bikeregistry.com in a safe place.  If the worst happens all one needs to do is click the stolen link on the site and then cut/paste the info directly into the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry.


A police report is a good idea but it is doubtful how helpful it will be.  They don't care as they have bigger fish to fry.  


I hope you get your bike back Mia.  Bike thieves suck.


Also, you didn't have the bike locked to a bus stop sign did  you?  CTA is known to cut locks and take bikes and never leave a note if they think it is in the way.


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