Have you heard about what's happening in Toronto?  They got a right wing mayor who is making big waves, including waging a so-called "war on bikes"   NPR did a story on the guy a few months back (which I can't find now) that made my hair stand on end.  


Now things look to be getting ugly there after a woman was seriously injured by a wrong-way riding cyclist.   Here's the latest:



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Maybe Chicago can wage a little tourism campaign towards Toronto cyclists.  "Chicago Loves Cyclists"
How about "The City of Big Fenders"?
"Toronto can take it in the Mass! Visit Chicago!"
this article is a bit older then the one you might of been thinking about, its from 2009, but it is regarding the war: bikes vs cars
I was in Toronto last weekend for Canada Day and this Mayor is not a friend of anything urban. After listening to him defend why he was not going to be in town for the Pride weekend he is a dope... An overweight bigoted far right extremist that was voted in by the collar communities rather than the city population. Sad really as TO is my hometown despite my Chicago address.

If you know anyone in TO fight back.


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