The Ride of Silence is a week from Wednesday and it's a good opportunity to get the bikes looking a little better.

If need be I can take care of all of them but I have a lot on my list right now and would rather not have to.  Ideally someone would step forward and take ownership of getting a bike near them, and far from me, ready for the 18th.


The three that are farthest for me are:


Clint Miceli- 900 block of La Salle


Liza Whitacre- ~3000 N. Damen


Jepson Livingston- Diversey and Avers (~3800 W.)



You would be committing to showing up with at least one full can of white spray paint (or as many as 3 if you go with the cheap stuff), a spray bottle and some towels to clean the sign, and maybe some newspaper and masking tape to cover the sign while you paint the bike, before/by Sunday night the 15th, and reporting back with the status/condition of the bike.


Thanks for contributing.




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I live just a block away from Clint Micelli's bike, have been for the past 1 1/2 years.  All this time I thought it was maintained by the family, not thinking of how the blood family probably doesn't even live near.  As a member of this biking family, I will do what I can if I see the bike needing attention.

Thanks, Michelle!

I think his friends/coworkers maintain it.  It always seems to have some new touch every time I see it.

Michelle Gregorek said:

I live just a block away from Clint Micelli's bike, have been for the past 1 1/2 years.  All this time I thought it was maintained by the family, not thinking of how the blood family probably doesn't even live near.  As a member of this biking family, I will do what I can if I see the bike needing attention.


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