Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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@Melanie- I definitely see the same problem on my rides on Lincoln. I was at the Active Trans meeting at Fizz on Tuesday and Alderman Waguespack made a point of remarking that the SSA (I think, rather than the 32nd Ward) was putting funds towards getting Lincoln Ave and other nearby bike lanes repainted. Something to watch out for!
Hell, there are plenty of streets where I can't even tell many auto lanes there are because everything is worn away.

James Baum said:
there are hundreds of miles of "ghost bike lanes" that probably only the bikes see but the cars can't quite spy from within their steel and glass cages.   Thee are so many that need painting that by the time they get them all repainted they'll have to start again.  This isn't even including the "new miles" the Mayor wants to put in.
McDaley pretty much pocketed all the taxes collected in teh city into his personal TIF coffers to pay the machine and keep it going.


Sprinkling, but actually not bad by the time I got to work; 7:45ish.

Thank you Mother Nature for an awesome weekend!


Amazing weekend for sure.
The weekend weather was awesome and the rain this morning wasn't all that bad. I would rather it rain on Monday than on the weekend.
I'm declaring yesterday do have been perfect weather.  I can't remember the last time it was so amazingly nice.
yes, yesterday was gorgeous. Today was wet....but fun nonetheless!
An ideal weekend. And I wouldn't even mind this light rain sticking around this evening to clear out the LFP, but I want to go to the concert at Mill. Park tonight
Yes.  And, I took a Westward detour at Wells/Kinzie to see what all the hub-bub was about with the cycle track.  Impressive; I do think that set-up would get my wife on city streets more.  However there was a large impediment on the South lane.  See my other post for that pic.
Man, this morning was beautiful. Bright sunshine, light traffic, and just enough wind to keep the temps moderate. On days like this, I don't understand why people voluntarily choose to travel in a car/bus/train...
Only one word for this morning: glorious.  I wanted to sing.  If every day during the Chicago summer could be like this, I'd be in heaven.


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