
Views: 36

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Outstanding link and video.  Thanks for posting.
We need a "like" button on here for comments like this.    Also, that great video.  It's nice to see that civilization is getting more civilized, despite all signs to the contrary.  

H3N3 said:

Oops-- watched it now-- great video, thanks!

That 73 year old gal got me to thinking . . .  whenever any of us are interviewed we should make it a practice to report our age as about 20 years older than we are.  Slowly we can spread the idea that the bicycle is some sort of magic youth elixir . . .


There IS a "like" button on your keyboard (if your device even still has one of those old-fashioned things.)


Actually it is 4 buttons.  The first one is L -and is located right under your right ring finger.  The second button is I -and is located just one key up from the button under your right middle finger.  The third button is K and is right under your right ring finger.   The final button is just one key up from your left middle finger.  


LIKE.   (words mean things!)


Puntuation is optional but that little period is one key below your right middle finger.  


Too bad there isn't an angrybirds app for the keyboard (if your internet device even has one of those legacy text-input hardware devices.)  Nobody would even have to think and we can all just friend each other and press like buttons all day rather than think or use our words. 

Joe TV said:

We need a "like" button on here for comments like this.    Also, that great video.  It's nice to see that civilization is getting more civilized, despite all signs to the contrary.  


H3N3 said:
Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine today!



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