
Er, in other words, I will be proposing a route map for the June ride.

I'm still hammering out the details, but ideally we will head north to Boystown to revel in the Pride weekend crowds before continuing on a counter-clockwise tour of the city, ending at the 31st Street beach. If marina construction is still underway and the 31st St beach is closed, the backup plan is a clockwise ride, ending at either the North Avenue or Ohio Street beach.

More details to follow!

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whew, yeah, in a preliminary gmap-pedometer i was only to the handlebar at mile 18. i don't think i can do boystown and also end at 31st, so i will see how the 31st street beach looks tomorrow.

OK, i cut out a lot of the far north stuff and have us ending at 31st street beach. though there is still construction, the beach is open! we'll have a bit of a bottleneck at the entrance, but that is often the case at the lake. 


i won't be able to pre-ride until later in the week, so last-minute changes may occur... in the meantime, please point out any problems or concerns with the route!

looks good!

I was up front with Lauren from about Logan square until the end at the beach.  It was (at least from the point of view from the front) a very good ride. We cruised along at about eleven miles and hour. I think some of the rear elements of the mass got splintered. When we got to the beach the numbers were noticeably smaller. 

This was my first Chicago CM, I thought it was a great ride.  I ended up riding over 50 miles that night and I had a great time!  There was still a huge group under the bridge on Loomis north of Archer and after that it seemed to break up a bit, but there were still quite a few people that made it all the way to the beach.  Overall great experience, nice route Lauren!


PS I love the routes ending on the south side, it's closer to home :)

      I saw the cops stop the guy with the beer on his front rack.  I zipped by it pretty fast, so I did not see much else.



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