I wanted to start a picture thread where we can post pictures of our garden and the progress throughout the season.


I would love to see what everyone is doing. For now, I have some seedling pictures. These are actually from a few weeks ago, and everything is bigger and I also started cukes, basil, nasties, and some other herbs and flowers. 


Tomatoes & peppers



Chard, kale, spinach, & lettuce



Thyme, romanesco (fractal broccoli !), and onions



...& my baby chicks, Enya, Ke$ha, and Tesla.

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A little progress yesterday.  I got parts of my raised bed cleared out and filled it up with Zinnia, Foxglove, a little Alyssum, Tithonia.


Here's what I cleared out, in part.  It's called "Painter's Pallet." I originally got some off eBay.  It prefers dappled shade but doesn't seem to suffer in sun.  Very aggressive-- if you're looking to fill up some space with something about knee high, this is your plant. It's gotta go . . .


Hosta "Blue Mammoth" flanked by Hosta "Golden Waffles" on either side.

I picked up all 3 as babies on a bike trip in Wisconsin.

Beautiful grouping.

H3N3 said:

Hosta "Blue Mammoth" flanked by Hosta "Golden Waffles" on either side.

I picked up all 3 as babies on a bike trip in Wisconsin.

the ones i have to offer are sprouts, no taller than 4 inches at the moment.

H3N3 said:

Sunflowers have deep tap roots and don't transplant well. Some chance they'll recover if you manage to get a big enough dirt clump.

I have Mexican sunflower (Tithonia)  to pass along and no room for anything else large, but thanks.

Blue and yellow has always been my "favorite color."

When I was little I would alternate blue and yellow Legos . . .


Anne Alt said:

Beautiful grouping.

H3N3 said:

Hosta "Blue Mammoth" flanked by Hosta "Golden Waffles" on either side.

I picked up all 3 as babies on a bike trip in Wisconsin.

5 out of 6 germinated- yeah.


H3N3 said:

I've learned not to start cukes indoors because

a) they almost always die the first time the sun hits them

b) they grow fast anyways

I've also learned to resist the temptation to use up seed packets (well, for the most part) and save seeds for next year-- so I had exactly 6 seeds to work with.  Let's hear it for decent germination rates.

This is my favorite Hosta. I started it from seed in 2003.  Pod parent Brigham Blue. I probably had 20-30 at one point but this was the only one that had the traits I wanted.  It was larger-- i split it into 3 in spring of 2010.



This is where my peppers (and eggplant) are at right now.  The window boxes are full of volunteer petunias I salvaged out of the boxes that now have the celosia:


Celosia-- started indoors-- 4 varieties, should be interesting.  Planted out 2 days ago.

This is where my tomatoes are at-- planted out maybe 2 weeks ago-- just starting to get their legs (and starting to grow very fast):


chickens are finally outside....soo happy!

Finally got around to take some pictures.

Our herb garden. Basil, cilantro, garlic, thyme, oregano, rosemary, mint, chives, and garlic chives.

Three vegetable beds. Bottom left: Pole beans, peas, onions, and garlic. Top left: pattipan squash, lettuces (gone), radishes, spinach (gone), soon more radish, cilantro, and parsley.


Large bed: Tomatoes (roma, yugo, and cherry), shallots, and my personal favorite: celeriac. Can't wait to make split pea soup with it this winter.

Nice pics, everyone. Keep 'em coming!

Who's up for a Chainlink Garden Party series? Maybe every other weekend-- can be a Sunday brunch or late afternoon gathering.

That's a great idea! Maybe we could take turns showing our gardens and hosting a potluck..


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