Hi..new member of chainlink here.


I live Northside (Uptown) and looking for someone to bike the North  Shore with me on Sundays.  Like to leave between 7-7:30 am.


Typically take North Branch trail from Devon, Lake Cook to Green Bay, Green Bay to Highwood, and come back on Sheridan.  About 55 miles..I have fellow riders but many live farther West and can't come back on Sheridan.  OPen to other routes but like the North Shore rides because of the lack of cars and stoplights on Sheridan/Green Bay.


Looking for fellow bikers each Sunday, particularly those who do the Sheridan Road route. I do between 20-23 MPH....with maybe just a stop at the turnaround.





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sounds like a Sunday race!:)
I suppose...just good fun.  I guess speed more accurately is probably 18-20....I don't have a computer so others just tell me!
I think I overstated my speed..should be 18-21 MPH.


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