The Chainlink

Why should we respect drivers when all they do is yell out obscenities, honk, and run us off the road. Fu*k cars

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Somebody had a bad commute this morning.

Leading by example

Not adding to animosity on the road

And my personal favorite:

Right or wrong, you'll still be dead


I hope your commute home is better.  Maybe something like this will happen to make up for this morning:

Leading by example . . . in a perfect world, that might work.

I was a "model" vehicular cyclist for about my first 5 years of serious riding.  Now I'm not.

In my "vehicular cyclist" phase I would be victimized fairly regularly as Christopher described.

Now I rarely am.


... because making a broad generalization about an entire sub-section of the population based upon a statistically-insignificant number of experiences is not rational.

Do you know how much of the time ChristopherMCA is harrassed/physically threatened by drivers relative to how much he rides?

I don't see that information here.

Rowbike Mike said:


... because making a broad generalization about an entire sub-section of the population based upon a statistically-insignificant number of experiences is not rational.

Do you know whether ChristopherMCA is a 'vehicular cyclist', and whether that riding style contributed to him being harassed?

I don't see that information here.

H3N3 said:

Leading by example . . . in a perfect world, that might work.

I was a "model" vehicular cyclist for about my first 5 years of serious riding.  Now I'm not.

In my "vehicular cyclist" phase I would be victimized fairly regularly as Christopher described.

Now I rarely am.

I find that if I am riding in a calm respectfull way, I get (for the most part) calm respectfull cars around me.

If I am riding in an angry "crazy" way, there are more "incidents" with cars.

That said, I don't have to ride downtown too much.
Why be respectful? Physics. (F=MA)
Saturday I was a driver. I'm sorry I don't deserve your respect.
Actually, I do.

Duppie said:

Do you know whether ChristopherMCA is a 'vehicular cyclist', and whether that riding style contributed to him being harassed?

I don't see that information here.

H3N3 said:

Leading by example . . . in a perfect world, that might work.

I was a "model" vehicular cyclist for about my first 5 years of serious riding.  Now I'm not.

In my "vehicular cyclist" phase I would be victimized fairly regularly as Christopher described.

Now I rarely am.


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