I've been hearing rumors that North Avenue Beach was closed do to out of control thugs  and gangbangers groping and assaulting people, not due to heat, as has been widely reported.  Rumors of cyclists knocked from their bikes... I know a few cyclists were picked up and dropped in the lake by some thugs early last month. The sources are somewhat suspect, but I wanted to know if anyone had heard or experienced anything.  Generally my least favorite part of the trail, but I'm debating whether to avoid it completely this summer. As the CPD is undergoing regime change, we should be diligent about reporting incidents like this, even if front-line CPD staff are dismissive... so that resources get allotted appropriately.

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I wasn't crazy enough to be out there yesterday.

However, I have used the LFP for my commute to and from work many times this Spring; have yet to see someone thrown into the lake.


Their presence was welcome and I hope it returns.  I was surprised at how many people were still out when I rode home at 9:30 last night.  This was a bit south of North Ave, but when I was crossing Grand, I was coasting behind the (many, many) peds, waiting for a spot to open so I could get back on the trail, and I overheard one young guy say to another "block his path".  Luckily, a spot opened and I was able to sneak through the throngs.  Further north, while there was a lot of people gathering in both lanes of the path, I was a little surprised to hear others speak up and tell their friends to get out of the way.  One person actually apologized for being on the wrong side of the path.
I haven't heard of anything like that, and highly doubt that CPD is going to let an area in a rich neighborhood that is frequented by lots of tourists turn into a scene from The Warriors. That said, it's probably a good idea to stay off the path between the museum campus and, say, Diversey Harbor this time of year, and to stay off it entirely on federal holidays.

Based on the comments on a lot of different articles and http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/ , it looks like there were a lot of problems at North Ave. Beach.  There were assaults last year as well, but things cleared up fairly quickly.  Given that there is a new administration in town, we might see gangs testing their limits even more.  

I took Michigan, Wabash and King Drive down to 31st street yesterday at about 11:00 am and took the LFP down to Promontory Point. I thought, incorrectly as it turns out, that if I beat the barbecuers, the LFP might be manageable. It was unbearable with the joggers, strollers, in-line skaters and collection of cyclists (from cruisers to time trialers). I'll get on the LFP again sometime in October.  

Dr. Doom said:
I haven't heard of anything like that, and highly doubt that CPD is going to let an area in a rich neighborhood that is frequented by lots of tourists turn into a scene from The Warriors. That said, it's probably a good idea to stay off the path between the museum campus and, say, Diversey Harbor this time of year, and to stay off it entirely on federal holidays.
I only ride LFP southbound in the early mornings when the path is tolerable and not too crowded yet-otherwise I take Lincoln/Wells for my daily commute. It makes me wonder if I should bother trying the path tonight after work considering it is so warm out and the storms aren't due to roll in until later tonight-especially since it sounds like the thugs are enjoying harassing people in the warm weather.  Thanks for the heads up.

Me any the GF took a ride through there last night around 9-930 and it was SHADY at best! There was a guy who passed us and right in front of us one of a group of guys jumped at him with his arm out like he was going to closeline him. The guy swerved and missed him. We had to almost walk through one of the turns due to the fact that there was about 70-100 people just hanging out there. We made it through with only minimal verbal abuse. When we where on the way back around 1030 (after curfew) and it was much better people wise only about 20-30 hanging around and a noticeable police presence. There was a guy who jumped at Anna and called her a dike prompting a mild exchange of words back and forth between me and him. All in all it looks like our evening rides will stop at end of the volleyball courts from here on. She now refuses to go there at night even with me there, something about not taking crap from a teenager. It looks like the lake path is picking up where it left off at last year mildly dangerous, verbally abusive, and generally a place to avoid on nice days!


It looks like the streets will be a safer option once again this year!

 Head north, unless you're in a team that meets at North/Oak street for V-ball. The gangs are everywhere but the overcrowding at those beaches make it prime.


Besides Montrose is much bigger and has a few new amenities, and "better" parking.

This bums me out.  I've been riding to work a few days a week and the LFT is my best option.  This week I'm on vacation, and last week I only rode Monday because I was under the weather and not up to 32 miles on the bike. But I did notice that last Monday (week before Memorial Day) it was a really nice day and it was my first experience with the LFT being mobbed in the afternoon on the ride home.  It was still do-able, but a big pain and an unwelcome change from how it had been. 


I hate gang bangers and intimidating thugs more than anything.  That's one thing that I really dislike about this city: how some idiots with brains the size of peas love to intimidate, harass, and terrorize the rest of us. They feel like garbage about themselves and the only way they can get some self-esteem is to make others afraid of them.  LAME. 

Hey Shay, 


The path is almost always pretty crowded and a pain to ride on in the afternoon once it gets warm and the weekend just makes it worse.  The parts north of Addison and south of the museum campus are fine for the most part throughout summer though.   However, it's okay in the mornings.  A bit crowded but that's mostly commuters or joggers and not too bad. 


The gang bangers and thugs have been a problem for cyclists over the last 2 summers or so.  Maybe it's just me but it seems like there have been more attacks on cyclists by them throughout the city (Lake, Humboldt Park, the LFT, etc.).  

Shay said:

This bums me out.  I've been riding to work a few days a week and the LFT is my best option.  This week I'm on vacation, and last week I only rode Monday because I was under the weather and not up to 32 miles on the bike. But I did notice that last Monday (week before Memorial Day) it was a really nice day and it was my first experience with the LFT being mobbed in the afternoon on the ride home.  It was still do-able, but a big pain and an unwelcome change from how it had been. 


I hate gang bangers and intimidating thugs more than anything.  That's one thing that I really dislike about this city: how some idiots with brains the size of peas love to intimidate, harass, and terrorize the rest of us. They feel like garbage about themselves and the only way they can get some self-esteem is to make others afraid of them.  LAME. 

No matter how I get to work (drive, CTA, bike), it's always coming home that's the pain in the butt. Maybe I can ride the LFT up to the Loop or Lincoln Park and then get off and find a way to get northwest. I think right around Navy Pier to Diversey Harbor is where I have the problems.


Suchandra, any suggestions?  I know you ride the trail a lot.

S said:

The path is almost always pretty crowded and a pain to ride on in the afternoon once it gets warm and the weekend just makes it worse.  The parts north of Addison and south of the museum campus are fine for the most part throughout summer though.   However, it's okay in the mornings.  A bit crowded but that's mostly commuters or joggers and not too bad. 



I live in Hyde Park and usually cut through Washington Park and then take King Drive to 35th to Halsted to Milwaukee if I'm going anywhere northwest. (The lakefront to 31st to Halsted is also fine.) Greek Town is a bit annoying, but on the other hand the direct connection to Milwaukee saves riding with Flintstone mobiles from the museums up to North Ave. and having to pick your way west from the lake, which I find far more annoying.


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