Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.

So here's my cheat.  When the wind is out of the South, I take city streets to take advantage of buildings blocking some of the wind; then I take the LFP home for the nice tailwind.  When the wind is out of the North, I just reverse above commute. 

Today's ride in was windy, but nice nonetheless.

Shay said:

Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.
13mph wasn't that bad it was the gusts that killed me this morning.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
You call 13 MPH "windy"? ;)

Shay said:
Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.
The wind didn't bother me so much this morning, there were a few gusts here and there. What I am really looking forward to is the forecasted close to 70 degree weather combined with the 16-18 mph tailwind on my commute home- it is about time there is a nice ESE breeze to push me going home (I happen to be heading NW on my commute home-YAY!).

15 mph headwind on LFP today, but I took that route 'cause I signed for Bike the Drive with a couple of guys that I know will pace faster than me, so I'm trying to build my stamina.

So....when you pass me with my tongue dragging the pavement, please don't run over it...

BTW, was a gorgeous ride in.  Dare I say Spring is now here???


Actually it feels more like summer today.
It was too hot. We completely skipped the delightfully crisp 58 degree mornings that warm up to 78 degree days.
It's 80º. Global warmng? Climate change? What climate change? I don't know what those people are talking about... : /

C'mon now anyone who's lived in the region knows we often go from 40 to 80 in a matter of hours (officially 90 at O'Hare but jet engines idling on the tarmac may influence that)


My thing today was missing bike winter when I knew I couldn't go to the store and ride home with ice cream in my backpack.

Never ask Mother Nature for more than you have right now out of respect that she will not give you more than you can handle later...

Agreed, this weekend going into next week is going to be a reminder of March  ';-(


Serge Lubomudrov said:

Was nearly washed away by a giant wave at the Oak Street bend of the LFT.

The arrival of summer to Chicago seems a bit premature.

Today was...interesting.  I traveled north from Humbolt park to Rogers park in the afternoon, via California ave.  It wasnt very wet then, only drizzle, but the headwind was deceptively strong at times.  When I went back home it was around nine pm, it was night and the wind blew the driving rain across the streets like unquiet spirits.

Was fully kitted out in my raingear, but my feet got soaked. I wear glasses so the rain and mist was a real problem. All in all a pretty tricky ride in spots, but I had a wonderfull tailwind on the way home!


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