I have a small, battery powered light which is kind of broken. The light part works okay, the plastic molding with which it slid onto it's mount cracked. I had tried super gluing it back together, but super glue doesn't hold up when it freezes.

I'd like to just tie it onto my bike, but i'm not really sure what the best way of doing that would be.

I know that I probably should just buy a new light, but I hate to waste what can be fixed and this is for my second bike anyway.

Balloons come to mind first, but does anyone else have suggestions?

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what brand is this light? some kinds you can just order the piece for mounting it on for a few dollars. you could also cut up part of an old tube, wrap it tight and tie it on. i've also used the thick rubber band that comes on broccoli.
Duct Tape that bad boy on! ;-)
Yeah, there is no brand on the light. I think I got it from bike nashbar and the mounting part was molded with the plastic body of the light.

An old tube is a good idea. It would match too! I'll make sure i bring a few balloons along for good measure.
Try zip ties, and/or some silicone sealant should hold up to the temps. Is your light LED? if not, buying a new one with LED's is more battery efficient; maybe that would make you feel better about a new one.
Throw it at an annoying motorist !
If you cant duct it $#%^ it!

Gabe said:
Duct Tape that bad boy on! ;-)
A study was actually done on duct tape to determine if it really could fix anything....turns out it's bad at only one thing: sealing ducts. Ha

Martin Hazard said:
If you cant duct it $#%^ it!

Gabe said:
Duct Tape that bad boy on! ;-)


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