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Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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So THAT's what the Sun looks like!


I saw a guy wearing a balaclava and shorts today.
Rode to work again this morning!  About fifteen miles from Logan Square to Hyde Park.  It was absolutely glorious riding along the lake from Diversey Harbor to 57th Street.  Although, it was all in headwinds.  Gonna have thighs I can crush beer cans with soon.
Rode this morning, first time incorporating biking into my morning commute. I work at DePaul in the loop, but I am not ready to brave the downtown traffic, so I biked to Lincoln Park, used the DePaul secure bike corral, and took the train the rest of the way.
Sun!  I have to stay late tonite so I took an extended commute south, man it was gorgeous!  I hope this is a good sign for the next couple of days.
Beautiful commute along the Lake Front Trail this morning.  This afternoon should be even better.  YAY!  It's about time!
I do the same commute from Logan to Hyde Park.  The wind was brutal yesterday morning but the ride home was a blast.

Shay said:
Rode to work again this morning!  About fifteen miles from Logan Square to Hyde Park.  It was absolutely glorious riding along the lake from Diversey Harbor to 57th Street.  Although, it was all in headwinds.  Gonna have thighs I can crush beer cans with soon.
Hellooooooo summer!  Talk about a beautiful ride to work this morning.
First full 23.5 mile bike commute of the year for me today. Got wiped the hell out crossing Western west-bound on Garfield (cutting over to California from Damen). There's a big old pothole there & 3 lanes of traffic merging down to 1, very little room for a dude on a bike & no chance at all to swing out into traffic and avoid the pothole. I tried to ride the curb past it but there was an asphalt buildup on the curb that was channeling my wheel back down into the pothole--tried steering against it but when I realized I wasn't going to make it, I bailed from the bike but failed to stick the Batman dismount I was going for.  Feet hit the ground but kept going & my ass hit next. I felt ridiculous but the lady there at the bus stop was very nice and didn't laugh at me. Luckily, I was OK & my bike was OK & I was able to get off the street while wiping out rather than flopping in front of some speeding jackass.  My ass and my ankle are sore but I made it the rest of the way to River North anyway.
Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.

So here's my cheat.  When the wind is out of the South, I take city streets to take advantage of buildings blocking some of the wind; then I take the LFP home for the nice tailwind.  When the wind is out of the North, I just reverse above commute. 

Today's ride in was windy, but nice nonetheless.

Shay said:

Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.
13mph wasn't that bad it was the gusts that killed me this morning.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
You call 13 MPH "windy"? ;)

Shay said:
Whoa!  Sooo windy today.  Excellent workout though, even though I did yell out a loud, "F*CK!" at one point, all alone on the Lake Front Trail.


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