I'd like to suggest doing my 2009 "Earth Mass" route again this April.

I think it was well built and well enjoyed.

It simply passes through a number of parks including Union, Herbert, Sain, Garfield, Humboldt, Palmer and lakefront, and follows tree-lined boulevards.  It ends near Wilson and is inline skater compatible.

We skipped Garfield in 2009 and in retrospect it's easier without.  Some speak fearfully of Humboldt but I think that means it needs attention.


This park intensive mass is designed to coincide with Earth Month (April).  It's exactly a week after Earth Day (April 22nd) and coincidentally on Arbor Day (April 29th).


Map flyer:


and http://MassUp.us/ccm

3D virtual flythough:


Post-ride story:



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Nothing like planning early!


I like it; it's a good route.  I think I road it when we took it last time.


The flythrough will be the view the helicopters will have seeing this massive throng of bikepeeps snaking their way to a great endpoint.
This is a good route. I rode on this mass back in April of '09 and I remember it well.
I really hope that we get to do it again, as it was one of my favorite rides.
Perhaps we can use the parks as a mini rest stops with dancing sound systems so that stragglers can catch up if the leads manage to keep a good pace.
I skated it in 2009.  Passing through Humboldt was blissful, there were rainbows (+some seriously angry cagers).  Mainly I want to decide if Garfield stays.  May take another pre-ride.  Maybe if left out, the hunger for more miles'll get people to keep going north on LFP (vs CCM rules: mass will not take LFP, and ride ends where the sound system stops).  So let's either think of a graceful way of snipping off Garfield, or show it as an option, and/or commit to reaching it this time, and/or keep sound moving down LFP at end.
I think we should leave out Garfield park. The ride will no doubt, end when it hits the lakefront, but April is usually the first big mass of the year and the length of the ride is near-perfect for a springtime crtitical mass. It helps to get people back into the swing of things.

  This is a great idea, Andrew.

The theme is appropriate and fun.

And I think that you should keep Garfield Park in the mix, but then, I like riding there.

This was my FIRST mass...I loved it so and skated it!  There was one part that was really rocky and gravelly for quite a ways which is fine for bike...and I persevered, being the trouper I am...but I want to skate April mass every year if possible...I think this was a turn somewhere around the south-east-est part of the map.  It could be totally different now (paved).  Let me know if I can participate in a pre-ride...I'd be happy to...:-)
Another date coincides, the anniversary of the BP Oil spill is on April 20th. Rising Tide and other climate justice groups have called for a day of action. Anyone game for a people-powered protest on wheels? http://www.risingtidenorthamerica.org/wordpress/2010/12/15/day-of-d... -April

Dear willow set aside a derailleur page for the map, but needs to go to print soon (like, Sunday).

So I rushed through updating 2009's flyer, and posted it on massup and google and CCM's calendar and library.  No turn-by-turn yet, but the overview is an interesting read.

The route is unchanged.  Could y'all take a careful look for anything grossly contraindicated.  I'd have liked to have done a fresh pre-ride before print, but few days left.

i remember thinking last year that we were on randolph for too long, and on humboldt for waaaaay too long. the quick loop exit is nice, but i'd suggest south on clark, west on harrison, and north on halsted before taking randolph west. (two reasons: the harrison bridge has a filled-in bike lane, so people who aren't comfortable on open metal bridges have a handy option. as for halsted, i think plenty of people ride that solo all the time, and it might be nice to do with some ccm friends! traffic will be going slow, though, so if this option is taken, the head of the mass will have to stay solid, and discourage people from threading between cars to sneak ahead.) 


as for the long stretch on humboldt, i don't know if or how i'd change that. it's kinda nice to be on the boulevards for a while... if only the motorists would be less irate! since we're in the area, it might be neat to include the complete street part of albany (east of kedzie and north of fullerton). i think it's one way to the southeast, which makes it a little trickier.


oh, and that's franklin boulevard on the map. not to be confused with the real franklin, in the loop.

Excellent feedback, integrating, though worried willow's already printed.  And it was 2yrs ago, but feels like just last.

I kinda love the long Randolph to Union Park shot, but the Randolph/river|highway bridge is grated? That may trump. Clark/Harrison/Halsted adds turns and distance but no parks, but I know you know that territory. Thoughts anyone else?

And yeah, much of it (ie Humboldt) is simply dictated by the park boulevards system.

What do you think of skipping Garfield Park?  KML for map nerds

I still expect to pre-ride, maybe this Friday.  Anyone else?


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