: "Social Cycling System". Mobile tools for bicyclist masses. facilitates large bicycling events by broadcasting route, map, chatter, weather and more, for smartphones and text messaging.  It also serves personal features such as ride recording, directions and points of interest. (formerly Chi.Bike and began years ago (now in its sixth major version) to address shortage of Critical Mass printed maps by making them available online for iPhone and similar users, and as a communications supplement to the World Naked Bike ride. The system provides quick flyer views, turn-by-turn cues, and monitors text chatter broadcasting location en-route.  It also gives weather, archives, etc all optimized from many years experience developing for mobile devices.

Since this thread was started (June 2009) it's now served well in literally hundreds of rides including years of Critical Masses and Chicago Naked Rides. Hope you like it, feedback encouraged.
Bookmark now on your phone.
Sample screenshots below, but best to simply visit the site.


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Continuing major new features since last post.  I've added a short video intro, a quick start guide, Facebook and RSS feeds, more.

I'm presenting at the MBAC meeting this Wednesday. My ten minutes are near the end. Public welcome.


Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday March 9th 3-4:30pm
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. #1103



Nice, the page works fine to grab GPS info in the android browser. This is swell, thanks for making it.

From Jim Limber (the MBAC videographer):
Click the following URL for today's quarterly meeting (disregard the date anomaly): /13208302
Note at the 01:32 hours marker, Andrew Bedno presents an impressive piece of software- - which tracks "social cycling" in a real-time matrix of variables feeding a smartphone console and using GPS and mapping data among many other options.
I thought I was rushing terribly, very nervous, packing a planned 10 minutes into half that (meeting had already run long), but oddly the timeline says 10-ish, so nervous but no faster, darn.

Notes to self: 1. Two people asked about "reunion" type functions specifically, such as parent finding child, families regrouping, friends rendezvousing.  One could always simply post to open chat, but I'll think on that.  2. Lots of people have Blackberries, but I've yet to personally test on one.  Needs doing.

Rich enhancements lately, now v3.36.


Biggest is full implementation of RSS feed sourcing.  Original intent had been to support Ning ( and (  But both feeds are poorly formatted.  However Yahoo and Drupal work.  This allowed adding the ATA ( blog and lakefront path condition reports, Break The Gridlock articles, and Critical Mass messages.  Great stuff.  See and and and


Plots were also greatly improved. Points now link back to source messages.  Mouseover for datetime, click to see.  Also the path is prettier, fat and blue with no pushpins.  And more points are now shown on smartphones (minimum distance reduced).  Example at


Frequently hearing top two misunderstandings: 1. It requires a smartphone. 2.

New sticker has quick intro on back.  1. Text ? to for info.  2. Jera says "It starts with 'u' and ends with 'us'!"

Sorry to have been slow updating this thread.  Additions since the last update here are colossal. For example, the major addition in summer 2011 of a NEARBY feature. This uses City of Chicago and other datasets for bike racks, crimes, train stations, farmers markets and much more.
Worth remembering: - finds the bike shops nearest you (with full details, hours, and tap to call).

The personal ride recording features now include compass, speedometer, calorie counter and more, and works on any smartphone.  And I'm quite proud of the "Bikker" bicyclist action game.  But those are just a few of the recent enhancements.  More highlights:

2012.08.21 Added more overlay capabilities. Now allows finding closest ghost ( or abandoned ( bikes using the nearby function. v4.25
2012.08.20 Facebook preview images systematized. Sharing any page now shows the most appropriate title, description and image possible.
2012.07.06 Added geotagged photos dataset. Find art near you:
2012.06.07 Now bidirectionally integrated with Twitter.
2012.01.02 Added heading to where query replies, formerly only returned last known location, now includes direction.
2011.12.26 Added period selector to plot, allowing users to include wide date ranges from options menu.
2011.10.15 Added information readout to Plot, shows all distance/speed stats, and calories calculation, even saves your weight.
2011.10.14 Compass bearing now shown on speedometer. Also saved and shown with postings.
2011.09.26 Added Farmers Markets dataset.
2011.09.25 Added text search capability to chatter.
2011.09.19 Changed message IDs to friendly text keys to improve sharability and search engines use.
2011.09.01 Added geotagged events dataset, full details on events by proximity! Find fun near you:
2011.08.27 Overhauled menu system. New single big top button now pops-up menu of all functions with descriptions.
2011.08.22 Improved find me, adding manual tap to pick, and search by text address.
2011.08.08 Phone numbers now automatically hyperlinked for tap to call on SmartPhones.
2011.08.08 Added dataset, full details on all Chicago area bike shops. Find bike service nearest you:
2011.08.02 Added live speedometer. Tap for odometer.
2011.08.02 Added QR barcode (available on login page).
2011.08.01 Merged Google / KML / 3D buttons on plot into single EXPORT button, leads to output format selector page.
2011.07.31 CITY DATA Points of Interest overlays now available from NEARBY button. Also listable by proximity! Shows bike racks, crimes, landmarks, libraries, many more:
2011.07.30 Mass selector page now shows thumbnails for each ride.
2011.07.30 Distance calculations overhauled, now properly considers ellipsoid.
2011.07.06 Finished "Bikker" bicycling action game! Cross a busy highway, ride trains, avoid pedestrians, to park at bike racks.
2011.06.04 Auto-GPS profiles now selectable: Slow, Fast, Continuous, Text Only, Low Power, etc.
2011.04.20 Increase size of full photo zoom. Displays quicker new mid-sized version first on message view.

Major 4.4x enhancements: BICYCLING DIRECTIONS! CATCHUP feature! INFO BUBBLES! iOS6 compatibility. Fun new Overlays!
(cross-posting from

NEARBY markers now use popup info bubbles. Makes plots vastly more user friendly. Tapping any marker now immediately shows basics about the item and a link for details. Formerly would open a new tab for details, which worked poorly on Droids.

Overhauled CATCHUP function. Button shown if recent action, plots route to last known location. Now also shown on main menu when relevant (Catchup, under action).

New cycling DIRECTIONS! Now uses Google bicycling directions service and draws a recommended route whenever applicable. Usable from any map to plot a route to the given point, for example to the start of a ride, or to the next photobooth, etc. Renamed Directions, replaces former Heading feature which only gave bearing and distances. Also new Update button from Directions recalculates the route while your ride is in progress.

New ROUTE PLANNING feature. Get bicycling directions between any two points, or browse maps at will. Now also shown on menu (Directions, under tools).

iPad/iPod/iPhone iOS 6.0 compatibility mods:

• External nearby searches (restaurants, bars, ATMs, etc) now launch Google maps WebApp in Safari. Apple's new integrated map app too poorly populated, and seemingly doesn't handle business search region argument properly.

• Updated map linking to use new internal Apple map app for Detail zoom of single points.
• Temporarily removed WebApp meta tag, to workaround known Safari bug where javascript GPS callback dies.

ALSO - Amazing new Overlay datasets: - Find the photobooths nearest you. - Find the public artworks nearest you (313 currently cataloged! Many with photos).
And don't forget: - Bike shops nearest you with address, specialties, hours, tap to call, etc.

The amazing features keep coming: (v4.68)

  • PLOT can now be overlayed in Recorder. One can now view a current or archived ride, then go to recorder and follow the plot to re-ride it.
  • Overhauled main screens to use Microsoft's new (Windows 8) "Metro UI" style. Flat, colored, active tiles, tap to expand info. Also eliminated two former sub-pages, integrating them into home.
  • Added quick shortcut URL format for sharing one's location with friends/family. Uses same ID as Facebook. For example, Andrew Bedno who on Facebook is at can now share the URL with those wanting to find him. Shortcut goes to the user's plot, and gives directions to their last plotted location.
  • Implemented multiple discontinuous paths capability in Plot.  Chooses slightly different colors for each, and retains them through KML/Google exports. Also added Hide options in Plot for route, points, dupes. Allows better tailoring of appearance and export. Example showing two solid years of Critical Mass plots:
  • Added OTHERS links page, comprehensively listing other bike route, mapping, and social location websites and apps.
  • InfoWindows in Nearby now show thumbnailed photos where available.
  • Show Directions overlay in Recorder. Allows use of Recorder/Speedometer while following ad hoc bike directions (formerly could only overlay a mass' planned route).
  • Catchup target while in Recorder. If recent location posted, plot it as an arrow icon showing which way it's heading, while watching your own location.


Andrew Bedno said:

The amazing features keep coming: (v4.68)

  • PLOT can now be overlayed in Recorder. One can now view a current or archived ride, then go to recorder and follow the plot to re-ride it.
  • Overhauled main screens to use Microsoft's new (Windows 8) "Metro UI" style. Flat, colored, active tiles, tap to expand info. Also eliminated two former sub-pages, integrating them into home.
  • Added quick shortcut URL format for sharing one's location with friends/family. Uses same ID as Facebook. For example, Andrew Bedno who on Facebook is at can now share the URL with those wanting to find him. Shortcut goes to the user's plot, and gives directions to their last plotted location.
  • Implemented multiple discontinuous paths capability in Plot.  Chooses slightly different colors for each, and retains them through KML/Google exports. Also added Hide options in Plot for route, points, dupes. Allows better tailoring of appearance and export. Example showing two solid years of Critical Mass plots:
  • Added OTHERS links page, comprehensively listing other bike route, mapping, and social location websites and apps.
  • InfoWindows in Nearby now show thumbnailed photos where available.
  • Show Directions overlay in Recorder. Allows use of Recorder/Speedometer while following ad hoc bike directions (formerly could only overlay a mass' planned route).
  • Catchup target while in Recorder. If recent location posted, plot it as an arrow icon showing which way it's heading, while watching your own location.

Andrew, Dubi and I just made a short promotional video.
Check it out! It's pretty funny :)

v4.75 home page showing new "Metro UI" style active tiles.  Some expand when tapped, change with context, and show dynamic content. Most usable interface yet, even with gloves. Slew of other recent enhancements detailed elsewhere.  Give it a try.  Feedback welcome.

I've added Metra to the trains overlay.  I also properly color coded all CTA and Metra stops, and linked each to it's schedule.

Find the train stations nearest you:

Bookmark that on your smartphone, or drop it on a home screen, or easy enough to remember.

  or go > Menu > Nearby > (find self) > Train Stops

Mapgeeks: a rather extreme example shown below for Perimeter Ride 11 (used as a demo because it covers a big area), with route and cues (entered in advance), plot and photos (broadcast live), and every train stop around it ('cause riders asked about bailout options).

The Metra addition was in part inspired by recent frustrations using existing Metra apps, which suffered from poor integration between views.
I also just changed the handling of the CTA data flag fields for which rail lines serve a given stop.  So I'd consider both these datasets beta.
TELL ME if you notice any omissions, especially in the CTA stops.


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