If you live in Chicago's 46th Ward, please vote in the runoff election TODAY for MOLLY PHELAN for Alderman.The runoff election is today. Chicago needs new leadership from candidates like Molly Phelan. She is on board with Mayor Emanuels plan to expand the bike infrastructure and has expressed willingness to work to get IDOT to track doorings. Vote!

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14 aldermanic elections today.A big turnout from bicyclist could make the difference.Please vote today!

If that is the only reason to choose one canidate over another than we all might as well shoot ourselves in the heads and let government do as they wish.


Since I have lived in a Condo in the 46th ward for the last 4 years, I know a little thing or two about what's going on here; not to mention I have been going to C.A.P.S. meetings for all 4 years and have met both candidates several times. I can tell you I had no problem voting for James Cappleman. Be smart people, don't choose someone without doing your research.


BTW, I happen to know that Uptown Bikes is for James as well, take that however you want. Mike, you are a lawyer right? Hmmmm so is Molly. I really hate politics, so much bullshit.

46th here as well.  15+ years in the neighborhood.  Good news is that Helen will be LONG GONE.  I think either James or Molly will be a fine replacement.  My vote goes to Molly because I think she'll be a bigger bulldog on getting the gangbangers out of our ward.  I went to several debates and I think James doesn't have the fire to move the crime out.


What worries me about Molly is how she and her camp have been going about this election. It has been very nasty, typical do whatever you can to win politics. The relentless phone calls I have been getting telling me James is no longer in the race so I might as well vote for Molly are flat out illegal. The smear campaign mailers, the illegal sign placements, on and on and on. Shit, Molly doesn't even live in the ward. It all just feels like Chicago politics as usual with her. But then again what do I know. I just wish all politicians would be honest and transparent but that will never happen, not in this city anyway.


I wish I had never watched the Wire although it just furthered my understanding of what I already knew. People will do and say whatever they can to win, no matter what.

Ryan, agree totally....Molly's got parents with deep pockets and all she did is throw a lot of money at this campaign to win....but she is lacking the experience and her northshore lifestyle doesn't provide her a real world city perspective.


Been a 46th Ward resident for over 10 years.....thank goodness for change!!!


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