Why on Earth Would You Pay Attention to Rebecca Black?

So Rebecca Black has 2 threads in the main forum and 1 in Kiddical Mass as I post this. And really i can only ask why over and over?

Is the Chainlink mainly made up of 13yr old girls? Is everyone on Chainlink hearing impaired? Does everyone here really love putrid music?

And how is it being debated that it sends a pro-car message? As much as we rail against cars all it shows is kids sitting in a car. That does happen in reality.

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Thank you.



I'm starting to think people might actually even remember this song in 5 years.  


Wasn't there supposed to be a rap break in there someplace near the end?

Peenworm Grubologist said:




I wish this was actually Bob -which would make it the coolest thing ever.  But as it is it's right next door to the coolest thing ever.
I used to really dig that bad, you know, before they got popular.

H3N3 said:

If lots of people like it, it must be inherently bad, huh?

Minh said:

I'm more disgusted with everyone around me thinking that Radiohead's latest release was the second coming of Jesus. And Rebecca Black who the fuck is that (rhetorical)?

Every time you mention Rebecca Black it drives knives into Domo-Kun's brain, please stop.


Well now it's Saturday so...


As covered by Stephen Colbert!


Maybe the bikey version of John's cover could have a cardboard car door attached to a bike. Or would that be sending a mixed message?


I think we can all be thankful that John and Aaron did not deign to rap.

James Baum said:

Wasn't there supposed to be a rap break in there someplace near the end?

Peen, I know who you are in the real world and will pee in your beer for posting that video. ;-)
Just in case you want to join the Rebecca Black Fan Club or See her Official Page.
Download her hit single Friday at Amazon or  iTunes  for only $.99!

13 day$ in the top 100!




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