1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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4) You start putting on your bike shoes, then remember that you're not going out to go riding.

5) You down an energy gel or drink hoping it will help beat a cold.

-when you are in a car; you put your hand down (outside the window) to signal slowing down and turns


-you wear bike shorts as underwear


-you have patching kits in the pocket of every coat you own

9) When you drive through red lights on that rare occasion when you're driving your car.
10) Your choice in haircuts is dictated by how well your hair will hold up under a helmet.

11) All the jeans you own are frayed or have holes in the right leg.

12) Your jeans are all worn in the seat and the inner thigh from rubbing on the saddle when you pedal.

(I've lost a few pairs of jeans to holes on the inner thigh, dang it.)

13) You walk around the office with reflective pant leg straps on your ankles all day. (I do this quite often and no one bothers to tell me).

14) You don't let your spouse do the laundry cause he/she might put your good wool jersey in with the rest of the laundry!!!
I do this all the time.

Melanie said:

13) You walk around the office with reflective pant leg straps on your ankles all day. (I do this quite often and no one bothers to tell me).

Haha, yes, no warm wash for wool, unless you want a wool "skinsuit".

Bob said:
14) You don't let your spouse do the laundry cause he/she might put your good wool jersey in with the rest of the laundry!!!

15) you find yourself explaining all these idiosyncracies to your co workers over and over but they still think youre crazy


I never let my wife do the laundry.  She's an engineer...




You know the location of every pothole, and pavement crack on your daily commute

You can tell the diffrence between broken glass and road salt at a glance.


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