Now this is a nice bike...


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Very pretty but that things gotta ride like a wet noodle

Hmm. Where do the fenders and panniers go?
Did anyone read the founder's bio? It's pretty hilarious. Also its a $2500 non-custom two speed.
First a vampire hunter, now this!
Yeah, the part about creating the unique 'one master, many slaves formula' is pretty funny.  Too bad the bike just looks like a softride without the suspension to make the ride nicer.  

Kelvin Mulcky said:
Did anyone read the founder's bio? It's pretty hilarious. Also its a $2500 non-custom two speed.
I fail to see what is 'classic' about that thing at all.  I question almost every aspect of it's design from a mechanical/engineering standpoint and think it may be the least practical bike I have seen since passing a brakeless track bike on my commute home.
Uhh..... nahhhhhhhh
My neck and shoulders hurt just looking at that.

steve rulz said:
Uhh..... nahhhhhhhh

My neck, my back, my neck and my back!


Name that movie

Sean - Are you making fun of me? And Steve,did you notice the 2 bikes in the clip!

Sean Gaskin said:

My neck, my back, my neck and my back!


Name that movie

Useful: No

Good ride: Maybe, maybe not

Gorgeous eyecandy: Absolutely!



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