Just For Fun Contest:


Choice the time and date when we will hit member 5000.


Currently member count:  4959.




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Good luck Duggie.  And make sure they aren't from Nigeria.
My guess:

Sometime after now and before never.

AND...What will the MAJOR AWARD be?...In all the wisdom vested in me...

I PREDICT the day to be 13 May 2011 the FEAST DAY of Our Lady of Fatima

Secrets WILL be revealed.

I heard that very same thing. What gives?

Cameron Puetz said:
Is that the $10,000 prize that was mentioned at the Winter Bike Swap?

It will happen when the 5000th member signs up and is approved. :)


In Stephen Colbertese: "PRIZE PLEASE!"

I think that #5000 should get a prize too.

Like a sticker or something.

I'm glad I'm not going to be the 5000th member.  From the wording of this contest's title it sounds as if the welcome prize will be a good smack upside the head.   :)
Ooooh-oooooh!  I can volunteer for that!

Laura Blake said:
I'm glad I'm not going to be the 5000th member.  From the wording of this contest's title it sounds as if the welcome prize will be a good smack upside the head.   :)
I'll make a balloon for both the 5000 member and the person who guesses closest.
Thanks Jami! BTW- My nephew insisted on taking the eyes from the helmet home after Kidical Mass :))
I still have the eyes on my helmet!
Cool, and if you got one on your own bike you just save it and pass it along!


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