Anyone joining this, I am bringing the family. 100 Randolf at 12 noon

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It's funny how the media fails to show all the violent rhetoric employed at this rally. Posters of Walker dressed up as Hitler and cross-hairs over his face were quite evident -the sort of things that the biased media harped on during the Anti-Obamacare rally but instead are totally unreported when the far-left does it.


When a few teabaggers did it the biased media made a big deal of it (especially after the Arizona shootings) -but when union mafia thugs do it the press fails to report it.

Oh, haha.  I thought you guys were actually going up to madison for the rally there.  I didn't realize you were having a local rally downtown here.  Didn't even think about that as an option.  Madison is like a hope, skip, and a jump away -right next door!  One might as well drive up there if you wanted to really show solidarity.  I do it a couple times a month at least.



I'm glad the rally is going on.  I wish the hate discourse (posters and such) wasn't there.  And I wish they'd stop referring to the "American Dream."  It's a term I'm having trouble with these days.

I was saddened and disgusted when the media painted everyone who was against the health care reform or participated in the rallies at the town halls as violent redneck anti-american thugs.  It was pushed pretty hard last year and then it was pushed REALLY hard after the shooting in Arizona.  There were many calls for gun control and the shooter was assumed to be a right-wing wacko even though many of his friends and associates were on record of him having extreme leftists roots.   Look again at that poster seen at the Teabagger protest.  That's a LaRuchian symbol at the bottom.  The Rushies are hard to pin down but I'd call them pretty left-wing in most of their stances.  It's pretty shady to use left-wing radical images from a small minority of rusies who show up at a teabagger rally  to paint the whole mob as radicaly violent right-wingers.  But it seemed to gain traction.  Lies and spin.


There are wackos on both sides and the violent rhetoric is disgusting as is the attempt to paint common terms used in much everyday speach as violent. Language is a funny thing and anything people say can be twisted -especially by the press.  The MainScream Media has its own biases which are pretty sad and corporate-owned big media has proved to be a legacy system of disseminating news and information.   For them it is all spin all the time and consists mostly as spin and political "education"  when it isn't merely pandering to the lowest common denominator to get ratings and ad dollar$.


For me, I see most of the incivility coming from the press when they twist what people say and abuse their power to shine the light in such a way so that the shadows where that light isn't shined seem the most sinister.  Using terms like "the american dream" like is used in the title of this post  to paint all that are against you as the enemy to all is just as one-sided as dressing up a governor  as hitler or putting a target over his face.

It's not MY side.  I'm not a republican -which is pretty darn obvious when I'm called a "liberal commie" in all the conservative-leaning forums I participate just like I get called "right-wing nutjob" in liberal left-leaning forums like this one.


I'm a radical libertarian.  The left and the right are both as wrong.  I'm pro-choice on everything.  The Democrat party is full of anti-freedom fascists who wish to crush economic freedom and promote big government.  The Republicrook party is full of fascists who want to crush personal/social freedoms and promote big government.  Even the tea-baggers want to shrink the government only enough to fit inside a woman's vagina. 


I don't have a "side."

At least the actual liberals would have a chance of drowning out the construction trades homophobes/racists who have been drummed up by their union bosses to show at the capital.  At least they can be counted on to vote democrats in office and pay their union dues to fund democratic candidates.

So you're bigoted against working class men. Interesting.

Union dues don't pay for political activities; such money comes from voluntary contributions to the union PAC. That's the law. I was on my local's PAC and gathered contributions on the job and the vast majority of the hands, being politically astute, happily contributed. And some guys didn't. And that's that.

As for "union bosses"; well at least we elect our leadership and can get rid of it if we want. How about your boss?

James Baum said:

At least the actual liberals would have a chance of drowning out the construction trades homophobes/racists who have been drummed up by their union bosses to show at the capital.  At least they can be counted on to vote democrats in office and pay their union dues to fund democratic candidates.

No, I am one.  I am speaking on experience here.


"Union dues don't pay for political activities; such money comes from voluntary contributions to the union PAC. That's the law. I was on my local's PAC and gathered contributions on the job and the vast majority of the hands, being politically astute, happily contributed. And some guys didn't. And that's that."


the law is a joke.  Union dues go towards "education" which is money funneled for advertisements pushing democratic causes.

Believe me, I'm a member of construction trade union.  I get calls all the time from my union to come help man phone banks before every election.  They pay $10-20/hour for this "volunteer" work.  That money comes right out of union dues.  





I was in one of the trades for 35 years and saw not much more racism and homophobia than I see anywhere else. And that was honestly expressed; one thing with people in the trades, you know where you stand.

Like I said, I was on the PAC and was one of the guys deciding to whom the money went and it was all money from voluntary contributions.

As for dues money going to fund political education of it's own members and phone bank work; well that's entirely suitable and proper; that;s the kind of thing a good local SHOULD be doing. If you don't like how the members are educated or don't like members manning phone banks run for office. You gotta win though.

I really gotta wonder though what trade you're in (or if you really are in one) and what kind of a guy you are to rap your own kind in public and use the language of your trade's enemies---"union bosses" and crap like that.

James Baum said:

No, I am one.  I am speaking on experience here.


"Union dues don't pay for political activities; such money comes from voluntary contributions to the union PAC. That's the law. I was on my local's PAC and gathered contributions on the job and the vast majority of the hands, being politically astute, happily contributed. And some guys didn't. And that's that."


the law is a joke.  Union dues go towards "education" which is money funneled for advertisements pushing democratic causes.

Believe me, I'm a member of construction trade union.  I get calls all the time from my union to come help man phone banks before every election.  They pay $10-20/hour for this "volunteer" work.  That money comes right out of union dues.  





I bet you would like to know.  And there's a reason why I'm not going to hang it out there for it to get back to my BA. I'd like to work again someday and have both of my kneecaps hinge the correct way.
Oh Christ Jim; I was in one of the toughest of the trades (Boilermakers Local One) and opinions were honestly expressed and nobody had to go around in fear. I think you're making this stuff up. Maybe you've seen On the Waterfront too many times.

James Baum said:
I bet you would like to know.  And there's a reason why I'm not going to hang it out there for it to get back to my BA. I'd like to work again someday and have both of my kneecaps hinge the correct way.

I have had the following happen to me due to having a dissenting opinion vs. that of those in my union:


-Work boots shoved into toilets, both flushed and unflushed repeatedly.

-Threatened physically and with a firearm.

-Had my voting attendence read off to an entire shift of workers.

-Forced to take the worst jobs on the crew and often forced to do two man jobs solo.


I have also been physically assaulted by union workers when I was brought into do a job none of them were capable of.


I have been verbally abused, intimidated and threatened more than once on job sites as well.


To say that stuff does not happen or is purely from the movies is sticking your head in the sand.




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