Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I understand there is nothing wrong with riding the train on these frigid days...but I despise the train and one of the reasons I started cycling and bicycle commuting to work was that I never could stand waiting around for the train or bus and getting smooshed into a tiny train car with a hundred strangers; and, I found that I actually get to work faster by cycling...That is why I am so anxious to get back to my full commute again. 

Duppie said:
There is nothing wrong with riding to the train station on days like this.

Melanie said:
Been laid up with a horrid cold/flu for closing in on a week and a half now. Yesterday I managed to pedal to the train station 2 miles away instead of cycling my normal 8 mile commute to work. It's cold, but I have to start riding again, and with the exhaustion I am feeling, I think the 2 miles is something at least.  Today, although I almost thought about passing the train station and doing the entire commute, I decided to bike to the train due to the cold, and the fact that I don't want to aggravate my recovery. It was really cold out there- I wear glasses and since goggles fog up too much for me, I had little eyelash icicles when I got to the train station. I will probably do the bike/train thing tomorrow, too,  and then go full commute next week when I am sure I am fully recovered from this awful illness.
Along those lines... I was wondering how you would figure wind chill temps while you are riding a bike. I think I heard that the wind chill was -17 this morning. Now figure avg speed of lets say 8-10 mph. What would my wind chill temp be then?

H3N3 said:


At what temperature does air freeze? I think we hit it this morning.

Most of the windchill stuff is intentionally inaccurate for the general population.  First, regardless of the windchill, nothing is going to get colder than the air temp.  E.g. if it's above 0°C and the windchill is -30°C, water isn't going to freeze.   Also, the windchill is calculated using a model that is geared to the bottom 5% of the population so 95% of the population is going to feel warmer than the windchill.


That being said, I was really cold on my bike ride today. And since my ride was going into the wind for the most part, pedaling faster didn't help any.

Davo said:

Along those lines... I was wondering how you would figure wind chill temps while you are riding a bike. I think I heard that the wind chill was -17 this morning. Now figure avg speed of lets say 8-10 mph. What would my wind chill temp be then?

H3N3 said:


At what temperature does air freeze? I think we hit it this morning.

You would also need to figure if headwind/tailwind.

Davo said:
Along those lines... I was wondering how you would figure wind chill temps while you are riding a bike. I think I heard that the wind chill was -17 this morning. Now figure avg speed of lets say 8-10 mph. What would my wind chill temp be then?

H3N3 said:


At what temperature does air freeze? I think we hit it this morning.

Davo said:
Along those lines... I was wondering how you would figure wind chill temps while you are riding a bike. I think I heard that the wind chill was -17 this morning. Now figure avg speed of lets say 8-10 mph. What would my wind chill temp be then?

1) Take you ground velocity and add/subtract the wind velocity to get your air velocity.  Remember, velocity is a vector so you have to use vector algebra to do this.

2) Look it up on this chart:

Here's the problem: the wind speed you see on the news is taken on a pole high up and is higher than ground-level wind. Short of getting an anemometer you can assume that your air velocity in the direction of travel is equal to whatever your usual cruising speed is under calm conditions.

I have decided not to think about windchill any more. I'm just putting my head down and pushing the pedals. Today didn't toally suck, but it kinda sucked. A little.


Tonight's ride should prove to be my biggest winter challenge yet.

for a 14 degree night, last night's ride felt comfortable.  a 10-15 degree difference from the morning and a southern tail wind will do that I guess.  anyone else run into a lot of slush in the loop last night?  Dearborn was pretty sloppy in spots
Yes. To Metra station


Looking forward to next week's warm-up.


15 degrees and it felt balmy...
Felt great this morning.  I needed that.
I'm off work today after no days off for a couple weeks. It was good to get out and ride for a bit even if the bike lane was missing. Thanks Little Village!


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