Anyone riding from Logan Square to E. Lakeview tonight for volunteer work?

If not, I'm looking for a better route. I don't like Diversey very much.

Suggestions appreciated...riding from Kedzie & Fullerton to Clark & Belmont.



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Kedize to Belmont, or Logan Blvd to Cali to Belmont.
Amber--Thank you! That's kinda what I suspected--Belmont. I got doored on Belmont near California, so I'm sometimes freaked out by it, but I did use it last weekend and didn't feel superstitiously nervous. It's weird, though, how that sticks with a person...

Thanks again. I'm doing Sacramento to Belmont.

I ride Belmont a lot. Right now, no street is really good. You end up riding in the car lanes, because there are no longer bike lanes right now.  They're parking spots.  You just got to take it slow and allow for extra time to get where you're going.


Usually Milwaukee is where everyone tries to door me.  I try to avoid it if its really busy out.  Especially weekend nights!

Good to know that you are cool with Belmont. I'll get on it, I'm sure,  and not have an problem. My ex-boyfriend lived on that street, too, so maybe that's something. :)  A few houses from where I got doored. : /

Thanks again, Amber.


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